Better Them Than Us?

Fifty occupiers were arrested today (December 17th, 2011) in New York City. Most law-abiding citizens are probably thinking this is a good thing. We can let the occupiers continue to test the limits of authority for the rest of the country.

I watched a video today made by a young veteran who made a statement that has troubled me. He asserted that when Northcom comes to put down the upcoming civil unrest by the occupy movement, it will show America that posse comitatus is no longer in effect. This will impact all of us since it will show us that the government has abandoned all pretenses of being a government of the people.

If you don’t know what Northcom is, I suggest you do some additional research. In the meantime, ponder the consequences of the new “federalized” National Guard that is part of the NDAA:

Coincidence? National guard included in the Joint Chief of Staff at the same time the NDAA passes,

More national guard officers in NORTHCOM… aka bribing them, making them more important, boost their ego, federalize them.

United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM, or informally just NORTHCOM) is a Unified Combatant Command of the United States military. Created on 1 October 2002 in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 attacks, its mission is to protect the United States homeland and support local, state, and federal authorities.

Support local, state and feds… (to arrest suspected terrorists, aka you)

· helping to clarify the disaster response command relationship among the Guard and the U.S. military commands;

Basically making it more simple to command the national guard and the army together under the feds control.

· authorizing the National Guard State Partnership Program;

Aka federalizing the national guard.

· and requiring reports by the Department of Defense and the Government Accountability Office on the cost of National Guard and Reserve units compared to similar active component units.

Aka federalizing them.

Should the occupiers be the guinea pigs for us to test the chains of tyranny? Why not: Socialists started this chain of events 100 years ago. Let them reap their rewards. But if this scenario plays out, we will be next on the “list”.

David DeGerolamo

More than 50 “Occupy” protesters arrested in New York

More than 50 anti-Wall Street protesters were arrested on Saturday after they tried to climb over a chain-link fence around a church parking lot in a bid to establish a new encampment.

The demonstrators had used a wooden ladder to scale a chain-link fence into the lot owned by Trinity Church, an Occupy Wall Street spokesman said.

Police had no immediate figure on how many people were taken into custody, but Gideon Oliver, president of the New York City chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, put the number at about 55, including between five and 10 members of the clergy.

The remaining demonstrators marched through Manhattan’s streets toward the house of the Trinity Church rector, but were turned away by police.

Later, as they started to move toward Midtown, some of the demonstrators were hemmed in by lines of police, and police on motorcycles tried to disperse protesters who were in the middle of streets.

“We are unstoppable. Another world is possible,” and “Whose street? Our street,” were among the chants from the protesters, who blocked some streets as they marched.


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13 years ago

Thanks for posting. If ever there was a time to put our faith in a higher power, it is now.

13 years ago

take a breath…9-11 truther? really? this is more Alex Jones, infowars, conspiracy theory mess…don’t get sucked in, stay focused on truth

13 years ago

true -- the northcom conspiracy theory has been floating around for quite some time, and I have had soooo many conversations with young men that are serving, or who have previously served, and it’s unfortunate that some can get caught up in the conspiracy theories, too, but that’s part of life, and some people are more susceptable than others. My main thing is, there are more than enough problems we KNOW we are facing, without having to be drawn into the woods, down a bunny trail…