Beyonce gets political at the Super Bowl: Singer performs ‘Black Lives Matter rallying cry’

At one point during the performance the dancers raised their arms in the air in a gesture referencing the black power salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the Australian Olympics


  • Beyonce delivered her message during performance of new single Formation at halftime during Super Bowl 50
  • Her backing dancers appeared dressed as Black Panthers activists with all-black outfits and signature black berets 
  • Several dancers also appeared in an image holding a piece of paper reading ‘justice 4 Martin Woods, a black man shot dead by around a dozen police in San Francisco after refusing to drop a knife
  • The Black Panthers were an armed group involved in the black power movement of the Sixties and Seventies
  • They followed the teachings of men such as Malcolm X, who advocated the use of violence to overcome oppression 
  • Tina Knowles, Beyonce’s mother, also posted an image of herself and the dancers giving the black power salute
  • See the latest updates on Beyonce’s performance at the Super Bowl at


I have been writing about the two-tiered justice system implemented by the Obama administration. This philosophy is now celebrated by the media. No matter what is written concerning this “philosophy”, any opposition is labelled as racist or the newly minted “hater”. For those who are sentient, there is no need for me to add anything else to make my point.

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
9 years ago

I am glad I stopped supporting the NFL a long time ago.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Amen Tom! The openly discriminate against White and especially White Christian players and so I cannot understand how or why people still support this agenda for it would not exist if Whites stayed at home.

“Anti-racist” is code word for Anti-White.

9 years ago

In the ‘world of entertainment’, the freaks and skeeves of every color, flavor, and denomination have been given ascendancy over the Decent America to which we normal, everyday Americans give allegiance. While the ‘world of entertainment’ is within our borders as a nation, it is a wholly separate society, with a creed and charter plainly antagonistic to ours…

And may God grant a total victory, to see that false world utterly destroyed in a fashion unto that of Sodom, in the day of Reconciliation. Amen

Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

Hey, I’m a white guy that buys stuff that may be advertised on the Super Bowl show. Therefore I am supporting the “black lives matter” movement by spending my hard earned whitie money. How about White lives matter because we are supporting you black azz clowns accomplish your mo’ money agendas. You all needs to figer it out which side of the tax dollars youall is on. Mean while beonce is going to make a ton of mad cash bekuz you people is gonna be buyen her rekord. You is bein duped all over d place.