The Biden administration in just the past year alone stockpiled the records of more than 54 million U.S. gun owners and is poised to drastically alter gun regulations to ensure that information on Americans who own firearms ultimately ends up in the federal government’s hands, according to internal Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The ATF in fiscal year 2021 processed 54.7 million out-of-business records, according to an internal ATF document obtained by the Gun Owners of America, a firearms advocacy group, and provided exclusively to the Free Beacon. When a licensed gun store goes out of business, its private records detailing gun transactions become ATF property and are stored at a federal site in West Virginia. This practice allows the federal government to stockpile scores of gun records and has drawn outrage from gun advocacy groups that say the government is using this information to create a national database of gun owners—which has long been prohibited under U.S. law…
…The ATF’s proposed regulations would also require gun parts to be regulated with background checks, meaning that if an individual assembled a legal homemade gun, he may be forced to submit to up to 16 different background checks.
Gun advocates, including the Gun Owners of America, accuse the Biden administration of abusing the rule-making process to ensure these regulations are put into effect in record time, possibly before the end of the year.
Vaccines that sabotage the immune system. Draconian anti-2A laws. Lockdowns. Massive taxation through inflation. The systematic shutting down of our First Amendment rights. Tens of thousands of new IRS agents. Intentional shortages of food and supplies. Political witch hunts. A media that is completely and absolutely controlled by the FBI and CIA.
Every time we turn around, the federal government is doing something else to blatantly destroy our rights and our freedoms. Very soon they will all be gone, and our great nation will go quietly into that good night. We will not fight the dying of the light.
Speak for yourself!! Fight I will!!!
I stand with you Rick, a vast majority of the population in our country are lemmings. I keep waiting for people to wake up, but they are so afraid of the powers that be. I will not march headlong to my death with them. Though I be but one I will fight with every ounce of my being to the death.
iam with you brother
Michael Yon has stated that all the conditions are present for civil war in FUSA. All that is required is the spark … an event … something that lots of folks deem crosses the last line in the sand. That last line for our forefathers occurred when the British came for the guns. I suspect we may be repeating history.
I’m curious if anyone asked the actual people going out and doing the collecting, how they feel about the distinct possibility of never seeing their families ever again once they embark on this purported fiasco. All for their paltry civil servants payday. Once embarking on this agenda, they would be extremely limited in collecting. Any bookie in Vegas would decline taking odds on their survivability.
The further you get out of the cities/suburbs the harder it will be to take their weapons—--and most of them know how to use them and many if not most are trained—- a country boy can survive !!!!
400$ 50,000 mW LASERS are really fun and have interesting applications like lighting a match in seconds or protecting yourself in a non lethal way from crazy predators!!! the best part about high performance lasers is those crazy predators seldom have eye protection. Big claws and no vision = no game playing!
they know the disarmament must be federal. i’ve SWAT LEO in my family. police precincts in large AZ cities are losing many cops, just tired of being jerked around. if blm/ant riots are brought to bear again, damage will be far greater from their hand owing to LE agency skeletal crews.