The 2nd Amendment is the people’s protection against an insane government that let’s Islamic terrorists into the country unchecked.
David DeGerolamo
The 2nd Amendment is the people’s protection against an insane government that let’s Islamic terrorists into the country unchecked.
David DeGerolamo
Obama’s “kids” are a very real problem rather than the liberties of the people.
Sorry! I can’t stand listening to this senile buffoon. He and o’zipper-lip both make me physically ill seeing and hearing them.
As for gun control; isn’t that hitting what you’re aiming at? And if they want mine, they can take them when the clips are empty.
To those barking about stricter rules, how about stricter punishment or just adhering to the laws already on the books? Morons!
Like criminals listen to rules….NUTS!
1,000,000 New York State Patriots REFUSED to register their ‘Semi-Automatic’ weapons