Biden: Do As I Say
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Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

China Joe continues to be an embarrassment for all American’s.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago

Either you are a subject or you are a free person. Everyone knows the mask is nothing but a freedom muzzle. To fight tyranny you don’t have to pull a trigger just pull the mask off.

3 years ago

And biden can kiss my fat, white, American ass!

Most Rev. Gregori
3 years ago

Biden can kiss me where the Good Lord split me, and that goes for the rest of the Democrats. My God, the leftists are bat guano crazy. It is a wonder they even remember to breathe.

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

the masks are demoralization
One of the steps to communist takeover.

3 years ago

I watched as our president got his head blown off,in broad daylight in front of millions of people, seen prayer taken out of school, seen the supreme court approve the slaughter of millions upon millions of our little sister and brothers in the Womb. Seen the acceptance of every form of sexual perversion be accepted by the Majority of Americans people. And I seen the rise of this Internet and my humble opinion of social media sites is like watching your house burn,with people posting detail by detail of it burning, but nobody does anything to put the fire out and in the end our house is destroyed,we today will not rise up and do what needs to be done,I guess we deceive ourselves by believing by posting a comment that we have fulfilled our Godly and patriotic duty. Here are some Numbers that our government ( Masters). Go by—95% of American will accept any form of government. 5% will resist,out of this 5% within a period of a year,4% of the one who resisted will give up just to stay alive. That will leave about 1% who will fight to the death. Don’t believe this? Just Look back at our History for the last 50 years, We have lost our Land and Freedoms without a shot being fired. Every time someone posted a comment that deals in reality, people will cry O you are making us look Bad. I got a question for all of you,HOW IN THE HELL,CAN WE POSSIBLY LOOK ANY WORSE THAN WE ALL READY LOOK?

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  bob

If you round the population to approximately 300,000,000, 1 percent is 3,000,000 people.

3 years ago

It only takes One, dedicated and skilled Sniper to bring a major City to a Standstill. Or take out Power Transformers. The ‘government’ is to Fragile to withstand Any serious Resistance. That is why they Panic at even Minor, meaningless events like the “Capitol Riot”.