Biden in 2007: You Leave Weapons Behind in Middle East, They’ll Be Used Against Your Grandchild

Back when he was somewhat in control of his faculties, Biden gave the above analysis of withdrawing our troops from the Middle East. He did not tell us the extent of blood and treasure that he would give up in a matter of days in Afghanistan to ensure the attacks on our grandchildren.

This insurrection by the Deep State would be over tomorrow if a small minority of government officials would stand together and admit the truth. That this has not already occurred tells me all that I need to know about the honor of our “government” employees and officials.

That an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men has not risen up in opposition to tyranny tells me all I need to know about the honor of our people. Time is not on our side.

David DeGerolamo

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Yessir, your last paragraph is the truth. Sadly, but truth all the same.
I still hold hope however (I know, coming from me, right?).
People are waking up and seeing things for what they are. More must be shown the light, it is the only way. We can fight with the minority we have, or become the majority. Either way we win, but one way is ugly and costly. The price of educating the masses will be very high -- the usurpers have declared us enemies of the state and are preparing for the executions. Jesus knew his fate and carried on nontheless. Sadly I believe that is what it will take to end the slumber of We The People. Indignations will be suffered far longer than should be tolerated, but the masses will not be moved by rhetoric, only emotion. Look to our recent histor -- fear was used mericlessly to control the masses. So it will be done again for a final push for control. Death or submission will be your options prepare yourself. It is coming quickly now.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Today he is nothing more than a demented puppet, the obiden agenda is run by their handlers. The agenda looks like every other tyrants playbook, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro etc, we sit idle while they strip us of our freedom and liberty, what should we do? They grow stronger while we become weaker, hopefully we will coalesce, and exercise are 2nd amendment.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Let’s see now. Billions of weapons left in Afghanistan with the Taliban. Billions of weapons sent to corrupt Ukraine. Stinger surface to air missile systems are already showing up for sale in Germany. 70% of the weapons given to Ukraine have gone missing. I wouldn’t recommend flying in Europe or the Middle East. In a few more months, might not be safe to fly in the US. Think about it. Terrorists or radical activists or gang bangers in the US with anti tank or anti air weapons. Extortion? Terror? Mad Max times Rwanda. Chaos.