Biden in Mexico: U.S. Needs ‘to Bring 11 Million Undocumented … Out of The Shadows’

Vice President Joe Biden in Mexico CitySpeaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City on Friday, Vice President Joe Biden said that the international partnership he and President Barack Obama are seeking to build–including one between the United States and Mexico–are “literally going to shape the future for my country for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years.”

Part of that future, Biden said, should involve letting “undocumented” people “out of the shadows” in the United States—terminology the administration and others  have used to describe a policy that would legalize illegal aliens and allow them to eventually become U.S. citizens.

“With regard to immigration, let me make two things absolutely clear,” Biden said in Mexico City. “It is not only from the perspective of the President, myself and the American people a matter of justice, respect, and according dignity to all people to bring 11 million undocumented men, women, and children out of the shadows, but it’s also overwhelmingly in the self-interest, the economic self-interest of the United States.”

“So I want to make it clear to you that President Obama is deeply invested in the maturation of this relationship at every level–at every level,” said Biden. “This is a different day. This is a different day.


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Harpo Marx
Harpo Marx
11 years ago

‘Plugs’ Biden should read what Mexico law says about illegal aliens and how Mexico deals with them. Once he’s done reading that perhaps it might be nice if he got back to us.

$10,000 US/day fine for anyone who hires an illegal. Illegals are jailed. If you are a naturalized citizen of Mexico there are certain jobs you legally may not do. If you are a naturalized citizen of Mexico there are certain properties you may not purchase. In other words you forever remain a second class citizen.

I wish they would enforce the laws on the books regarding illegals and those who hire them.

11 years ago

Maybe he should tell mexico to bring them back, we don’t want them. In 2006 there was an estimated 30 to 40 million illegal aliens here. Where did they all go, so fast?

11 years ago

CAPS 2007 Study suggests up to 38 million illegals occupy the USA