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- Tim Bo on But Will They Go to Jail?
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on But Will They Go to Jail?
- Magrit on Thom Tillis – Too Little, Too Late
- Daniel K Day on But Will They Go to Jail?
- DRenegade on The Real Bidenomics
Banks exploding, rampant inflation due to fed printing money like it’s going out of style, food costs exploding, eviction wave on the horizon, infrastructure collapsing and trains derailing every other day releasing deadly chemicals into the sky.
Yup, nothing to worry about. Best economy ever, Jack.
The Triumph of Misdirection – J.R. Nyquist Blog The lie, a true Leninist student. Just like Putin, who people now see as a true nationalist protecting his people and supporting Christianity.
A very deep but excellent read
Thanks for posting, Tom. He’s very smart; but like I’ve said before he’s preaching to the choir. Those who should be listening aren’t. As for Joe Schmo, “Don’t worry. Be happy.”
Yea Eddie, we cannot worry about those not listening, time is short.
They lie. We know they lie. They know that we know they lie. But they still lie. Solzhenitsyn.
The only answer to these murdering liars in the bureaucracy and the leadership is death to each and every one of them, not because I stated it our constitution demands we do it.
All of these people have committed sedition and treason from the uniparty Marxist nazi members.
“No one in my administration is above the law,” well, except for everyone in your administration. DOJ, FBI, Capitol Police, etc, etc, ect. Liar.