Biden Offers $500k Grant For English Teachers In Pakistan That Focus On Transgender Youth

The State Department grant said it is aimed at teaching English language skills to Pakistani youth so they can “better participate in the global community and prepare them for success in the workplace.” The grant aims to reach that goal by focusing on three components: “(1) Professional Development for English Language Teachers from Non-Mainstream Institutions; (2) Professional Development for novice Pakistani English language teachers; and (3) Professional Development for Transgender Youth and for Afghan Teachers, Students, and Young Professionals Residing in Pakistan.”

The Biden administration is offering a $500,000 grant to help teach the English language in Pakistan, in part by providing “intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth.”



Islamic challenges to Pakistan’s transgender rights law

Pakistan broke ground in 2018 with its legislation of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act. This legislation was cutting-edge within South Asia and globally with the Act’s declaration that gender identity inheres in the individual. The Act broadly defines a ‘transgender person’ to include intersex persons, khwaja siras (an Islamicate gender), and also ‘any person whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the social norms and cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at the time of their birth.’ Moreover, the Act goes on to declare that ‘[a] transgender person shall have a right to be recognized as per his or her self-perceived gender identity.’



This was definitely more information than I wanted to know this morning. I would have thought a “third gender” in Islam would be sacrilegious but it seems to be an accepted part of Pakistani cultural norms. So why do they need our tax dollars to aid sexual immorality in another country? I suppose the real question is why our tax dollars are used to aid sexual immorality in our country.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago
Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

This is totally absurd and upside down. Biden is a such a piece of shit.

1 year ago

He is a sick and mentally ill degenerate bastard child of the devil and the commie Marxist nazis in his administration who are behind this filth and pushing it. I never wish harm on anyone but these devil bastards in our government and the bureaucracy must all die a very painful death.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

He’d do better trying to sell refrigerators to Eskimos. What an idiot.

1 year ago

Check the brand new gender inclusive “Peter Pan” film out!

Peter Pan is latest classic story to be hit by woke changes

‘ … A new film adaptation of Peter Pan is set to favour “gender inclusion” with
“Lost Girls” among the troupe of children led by the boy who never grows up.

The film which has its premiere this evening, will be the first major retelling by Disney since the exclusive copyright for JM Barrie’s 1904 novel “Peter Pan and Wendy” expired in the US.

In the original story, Peter Pan tells Wendy that girls are “much too clever” to become Lost Boys, but the new film will show modern audiences something very different. …

In Barrie’s original work, Peter explains to Wendy that the tribe of Lost Boys is a group of children who fell out of their pram as infants, and were missing for seven days.

He adds: “Girls, you know, are much too clever to fall out of their prams.” … ‘

“Girls…are much too clever?”
Not any more, they’re not!

1 year ago

As Pakistan is not only a Muslim nation they are a Nuclear Armed nation.

Guess we haven’t pissed off enough Nuclear powers that already don’t like us.

As Sun Tsu says “An evil leadership will burn down their own nation to rule over the ashes. ”

Protect your family and trusted friends.

1 year ago

“God is great, beer is good and people are crazy”, that about sums it up; once you accept this, it all makes sense!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Islam calls the United States “The Great Satan.” They are correct in as much as we export much sin into the world!

Otis D
Otis D
1 year ago

the purpose of communist propaganda is not to inform, but to humiliate…
Theodore Dalyrimple

the beatings will resume until morale improves