Biden Sends Nearly $1 Billion to Afghanistan Since Taliban Takeover

Over two decades the United States and its international partners poured billions in humanitarian aid into Afghanistan. Much of that aid went into the pockets of the Taliban.

After Biden’s retreat, the Taliban have consolidated control over Afghanistan. And over all the hungry children, the girls deprived of an education, and all the other sob stories that kept a river of private charity and taxpayer money flowing into a hellhole in which nothing ever got better.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

At an aid conference hosted by the UN, the UK, Germany and the Islamic terror state of Qatar, which backs the Taliban, $2.4 billion was raised for Afghanistan. The hosts had demanded over $4.4 billion which would have been the largest amount ever raised for any nation.

The Biden administration kicked in another $204 million.

That’s on top of the $782 million in “humanitarian aid” allocated to Afghanistan last year since the Taliban took over. This year, Biden signed an executive order allocating $3.5 billion of the Afghan assets held in the Federal Reserve for the same purpose. But even not counting those funds, Biden has dedicated $986 million to Afghanistan since the Taliban took over.

That’s nearly $1 billion in taxpayer money and nearly $4.5 billion in total funds.


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2 years ago

Eighty-five billion wasn’t enough???

2 years ago

biden a traitor ? Absolutely ! What of the electorate of Delaware who have voted to maintain biden in fedgov for more than 40 years ? HOWEVER…..what of the useless Senate and the House members of the CONgress ? Do they not deserve the category of “traitor” themselves ?

What of the press, the media both electronic and print, mainstream and alternative ? Are they not culpable in the conspiracies by the domestic, Amerikan communists, against the land of their birth ?

Lastly, IMO, the voters who have allowed the decades-long, bloodless coup d’etat to continue ad nauseam; these “citizens” have empowered the Amerikan traitors to gain and maintain their destructive power over “The People”. Don’t these members of the Amerikan electorate bear more responsibility for the avalanche of destruction of Patriotic and Traditional American citizens, “We The People”, then any number of bidens, soetoro-obamas, romneys, susan collins’, durbans, LBJs, FDRs, woodrow wilsons, bushes and on and on and on and on ? ? ?

Organize. Organize to oppose the rot that has changed America to Amerika ! No amount of constant voting for career politicians or lawsuits against the kriminals one calls “government” will rid this once great nation of the traitors within.



The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

How much of that money actually got to anyone in need? How much of it found its way back into Joe’s pockets?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

This insanity is going to continue until we pick up our guns and kill every last one of them. Enough prepping time to take it to them, do you want to wait until they are coming to your home? If your white and conservative and a Christain you’re a terrorist. We know who they are and like has been said they have addresses.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

“…..until we pick up our guns….” You Tom, are spot on !

“But” (there is always a “but”). That “but” for me is organizing like-minded Patriots. One Patriot alone cannot rid this once, great nation of the cockroaches embedded in our governments at every level. From dogcatcher up thru and to every level of .gov….right into the Oval Office. The rot is deep and complete.

Organizing Patriots to stand against the many corrupt governments contained within FUSA is not easy. I tried more than once. I failed. Yet, I still believe organizing against a corrupt .gov will take much energy, time, money and Dedication ! Hopefully, there is a Patriot(s) out there who can do what I could not.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Delta3Two

Agree 100%, we need to organize at the local level ASAP.

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago

treason !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Until every vestige of biden, his family and the tens of thousands members of his inner circle and communist cabal are eradicated, nothing in this once, great nation will improve; get better, return to any semblance of American normality.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  Delta3Two

so sad and so true but there is no time like the present!

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

This is so sickening to me. He’s chasing bad actions on his own part with our money.
Way past time for people in DC to do their job and fire Joe Biden and his cohort the Kamal toe