Instead of being offended or infuriated by the incoherent rantings of the current puppet-in-chief, laugh at the incompetence of the ruling class’ propaganda machine.
Weekend at Bidens with hunter running the hospitality psrt with hookers and blow. All on the taxpayers dime of course.
robehr orinsky
2 years ago
The company I worked for back in the 70’s hired a new hotshot wise ass foreman from New Jersey . He acted just like PedoJoe . He was going to get out twice the production from the workers he promised management . Unfortunately he started his push on an old man , Ory Packer . I got to see it . It was glorious . None of us iron pumping bike riding young fellers ever fucked with Ory . He was about 4 feet tall and 4 feet around with fingers like a German sausage. He was around 60 years old and long in the tooth .Harder than jailhouse steel. After the old man drug the boy back 45 feet into the hole to get to the job so he had the opportunity to actually see what Ory had done , his purty clothes got all ruined and he pissed his self . The Jersey boy tried to fire Packer but there were no witnesses . Including me . Sadly the Jersey boy quit . PedoJoe’s time is coming .
Last edited 2 years ago by robehr orinsky
2 years ago
note our commentator is laughing you in front of HIS red background, but I do agree the herr PEDO Hitler is an unhinged lunatic who’s entire administration needs to be removed and dealt with.
Maybe a show called, Saturday night live at the white house, could be a big hit with half the country.
Weekend at Bidens with hunter running the hospitality psrt with hookers and blow. All on the taxpayers dime of course.
The company I worked for back in the 70’s hired a new hotshot wise ass foreman from New Jersey . He acted just like PedoJoe . He was going to get out twice the production from the workers he promised management . Unfortunately he started his push on an old man , Ory Packer . I got to see it . It was glorious . None of us iron pumping bike riding young fellers ever fucked with Ory . He was about 4 feet tall and 4 feet around with fingers like a German sausage. He was around 60 years old and long in the tooth .Harder than jailhouse steel. After the old man drug the boy back 45 feet into the hole to get to the job so he had the opportunity to actually see what Ory had done , his purty clothes got all ruined and he pissed his self . The Jersey boy tried to fire Packer but there were no witnesses . Including me . Sadly the Jersey boy quit . PedoJoe’s time is coming .
note our commentator is laughing you in front of HIS red background, but I do agree the herr PEDO Hitler is an unhinged lunatic who’s entire administration needs to be removed and dealt with.
Hitler; minus the charisma, intellect, coherence and mustache…
and the understanding of use of vocal intonations to instigate and emphasize a point.