Biden’s Debacle


On Aug. 18, 2021, three days after the Taliban seized the capital of Kabul and forced the U.S. Embassy there to evacuate, Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that intelligence did not indicate that a Taliban takeover was likely, despite numerous reports to the contrary. The president also said the U.S. military would “stay” in Afghanistan until all Americans and Afghan allies were evacuated.


Why is Afghanistan forgotten? Biden’s treason is spilling over throughout the region and has a high probability of allowing the Taliban to overthrow the existing nuclear armed Pakistani government. A nuclear armed Taliban supplied with advanced US military hardware because of Biden’s handlers should be one of the top headlines across the world.

Is this our Archduke Ferdinand moment? Our attention is focused on Ukraine and its war against a Russian invasion. It does not take much time to see through that facade. It also will only take one flashpoint to start the WWIII conflagration. Are you watching the Turkish invasion in Syria? Are you watching the Israeli situation? Are you watching Ukraine launching missiles at a nuclear power plant? What about North Korea or Taiwan? Any one of these will be the catalyst for WWIII.

Our world is about to change. There is nothing that I can do or say or write that will change this fact because the overwhelming majority of people cannot fathom the level of evil that is precipitating our destruction. May the Lord show us mercy for what this country has done.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I fail to understand how the Taliban could after 20 years of war, just pickup move across the border and overthrow a government in a year. Something does not make any sense whatsoever. This takes men, organization and planning that I doubt a bunch of inbred, goat herding, boy molesting homosexuals have.

It is like it was all planned and we played out part and not they are playing theirs. This means that this plan has been in the work longer than Biden has been in office.

Me thinks we have been played and still are being played at so many levels it makes my head spin. I am to to point where I do not believe half of what I heard on the “news” and that half I ma pretty sure is tainted at best.

I really would like to see an in depth study on how this all came about. From invasion of Afghanistan to their overthrow of the Pakistan government. In other words the truth of what went and is going on.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

You are correct in your assessment of this, it is impossible for a rag tag bunch of Islamic sodomites able to do this, but with help of general traitor Milley and the black communist at the head of our once great military. The entire Jcs have all been corrupted and by the chi com communist party and have all taken bribes to enrich themselves at the expense of selling out there nation and betraying the constitution. They planned all of this failure as well as giving up an important air base on the Chinese border. The generals had woke underlings to perform there dirty work for them, and now we all know why these traitors in the jcs left 85 billion in armaments behind as well as military and non military personnel to be murdered by these savage dogs. These dirty s-bags all must be hanged for there high crimes and our leaders with them. Our leaders who are all involved with this treason must under go the same death by hanging as the constitution states.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

It is not just the leaders. There are a whole lot of just following orders people all too willing to do their evil work.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

You are correct, to many reprobate lying bureaucrats including there reprobate mouthpiees in the fake news media are covering all there lies and crimes.

2 years ago

“Our world is about to change. There is nothing that I can do or say or write that will change this fact because the overwhelming majority of people cannot fathom the level of evil that is precipitating our destruction. May the Lord show us mercy for what this country has done.”

Amen to this. I also have reached this point. Like the grasshoper to the ant, i have warned of the coming winter to family and friends. Like the ant to the grasshoper, my warnings fall on deaf and sleepy ears.
I tire of lamenting the loss of the Republic to those who could care less. They, like the ant, continue to revel in their warm comfort, willfully ignorant and blissfully arrogant. When winter comes they will blame us for not warning them enough, for not taking care of them enough. They will blame everyone but themselves

Last edited 2 years ago by Shipwreck
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

It’s amazing to me how many things the gubmint does is passed of as “incompetance.” The Afghanistan departure was labeled as such. Personally, I think the weaponry was left behind on purpose. How do you think you get $780 billion a year “defense” budget without going through an inventory? Time to restock!
As far as leaving, they didn’t need the poppy fields anymore. Covid and the jab provided billions in revenue by the medical industrial complex replacing the military industrial complex. The enemy changed from phantom terrorists in caves with cell phones to you and I!

2 years ago

The ‘rhino mount’ with monocular NOD attached, and the M240, are clearly photoshopped onto the images of the individuals dressed as “soldiers.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Woo-Hoo
Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Pakistan very recently had a coup d’etat. Sponsored by us.The northern tribal area of Pakistan has always been a problem for them also. I was looking for interviews of Gonzalo Lira today. He lives in the Ukraine and gives updates. I found an interview. It was on something called RWA. Russians With Attitude. I didn’t watch much. I recognized the voice of the RWA host. He used to have a gun show on you tube called FPSRussian. He got arrested by the ATF for full auto weapons. I liked the show. Funny. But he was out of sight for a long time. Number one, he isn’t Russian. He’s American. His accent is fake. I think his name is Kyle Myers. Gonzalo might have been “pranked”. Always know who is on the other side of the line. Trust no one.

2 years ago

The US was simply transferring ownership to their allies in the Taliban, before you jump up and down, note whom was in charge at the time of our withdrawal, note all the PLAYERS, and folks you have been the recipients of this grand theater for nearly a hundred years. We have been played in a most eloquent manner, and now the final curtain draws back for the demise of our Republic.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!
Smart MF’er right here boys.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Yessir, we are in complete agreement!