Russia's new nuclear doctrine means NATO missiles fired against our country could be deemed an attack by the bloc on Russia. Russia could retaliate with WMD against Kiev and key NATO facilities, wherever they're located. That means World War III.
— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) November 19, 2024
Who is to blame? Joe Biden will be blamed by history but the reality is someone else made this decision. Is Congress to blame for certifying a fraudulent president? Are the people to blame for accepting fraulent elections?
For our immediate future, blame will have to take a backseat as we deal with the consequences of treason. As the Zerohedge article stated: God help us all.
What we are witnessing is the Cuban missile crisis in reverse, except the Soviet Union did not launch the missiles they placed in Cuba into the United States.
Thank God.
Hate to tell you this, but Russia put missiles in Cuba because we had Atlas missiles stationed in Turkey, right up near the Russian border. Part of the de-escalation deal was to also remove our missiles as well.
Biden did not make the decision to attack Russia with U.S. missiles launched from Ukraine. But someone, or some group of people, in the U.S. government did, and that is absolutely certain.
When, and if, Trump is sworn into office, his first official act should be to make mass arrests of all the traitors inside the U.S. Government, before these war-mongering psychotics can carry out their plans to destroy the entire planet in an all-out nuclear war.
It might be too late.
Yes, sir, that is true.
Biden did not make the decision to attack Russia with U.S. missiles launched from Ukraine. But someone, or some group of people, in the U.S. government did, and that is absolutely certain.
FYI, Biden isn’t even making the decisions on which flavor of popsicle he sucks on before his afternoon naps. The old fool is no better than a Disney Animatronic… he’s led around, liberally on a leash like a circus pony by his political handlers 24/7.
The whole administration is run, behind the scenes where it’s a carnival freak-show comprised of blue-haired-kooks, pin-heads, fags, lesbians, trans-sexual degenerates and psychopathic communists. Did I leave anyone out of the above list.