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- wv citybilly on US Treasury
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- tom finley on Tulsi Confirmed
It’s not a secret. The left isn’t even trying to hide what they are up to.
For all the green loving people out there, do you really think the elite will do without their lights, refrigeration, heat, transportation & freedom like YOU will do without!
I am really tired of seeing Obiden yelling at us!!!!!
Jevson’s Paradox “The more efficient (high density) you make something, the demand becomes exponentially greater.”
There by: ‘The less efficient (lower density) you can exploit people into accepting, the demand become exponentially lower.’ (Women often do this as a means to more resources, they themselves can’t obtain, you know ‘equality’)
Humans have always worshiped fire, Prometheus gave man ‘tools to harness fire’. How much gas did you buy last week??
Their purpose to become your new god, by controlling your ability to even use high energy sources. A means of subject dependence, presented as co-dependence.
Gordon Chang: We’ll Fight China on U.S. Soil and They Will Bring Down Power Grid -- American Partisan There is a reason for destroying everything and it is not climate change, Gordon Chang knows what he is talking about.
A good video. No matter what the govt does, you can still can buy solar, when you do, get a battery back up. A generator for short term power is good as well.
The difference between a modern society and the stone age is energy!