Big Banks Are Being Hit With Cyberattacks “Every Minute Of Every Day”

Cyber Theft - Photo by d70focus

What would you do if you logged in to your bank account one day and it showed that you had a zero balance and that your bank had absolutely no record that you ever had any money in your account at all?  What would you do if hackers shut down all online banking and all ATM machines for an extended period of time?  What would you do if you requested a credit report and discovered that there were suddenly 50 different versions of “you” all using the same Social Security number?  Don’t think that these things can’t happen.  According to Symantec, there was a 42 percent increase in cyberattacks against U.S. businesses last year.  And according to a recent report in the Telegraph, big banks are being hit with cyberattacks “every minute of every day”.  These attacks are becoming more powerful and more sophisticated with each passing year.  Most of the time the general public never hears much about the cyberattacks that are actually successful because authorities are determined to maintain confidence in the banking system.  But if people actually knew the truth about what was going on, they would not have much confidence at all.

At this point, the attacks have become so frequent that there is literally no break between them.  According to the Telegraph, major financial institutions are continually under assault, and the total number of attacks is constantly increasing…


h/t Tom R

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