Big Media Discovers US Special Ops are Targeting Mexican Crime Organizations

Earlier this week, the Washington Post and a series of other mainstream media outlets breathlessly reported that the Pentagon has set up a US-based special operations center that is focused on helping the Mexican government track down “cartels.”

The real nut-graph of the Post story, however, is buried at the end of the article:

US officials stress that sharing this expertise does not mean U.S. special operations teams will be conducting raids against targets in Mexico, nor will they be entering the country with their own weapons. Mexico forbids U.S. military or law enforcement officers from carrying guns inside their borders, with few exceptions, though American commandos have conducted training missions in the past, two current and one former U.S. military official said.

Well, it seems the Washington Post, and the mainstream media in general, are very late to the party on this story.

Narco News broke the news of US special forces operating inside Mexico several years ago and has continued to follow the story, while the mainstream media has been silent. In fact, Narco News has obtained a series of emails involving the Pentagon that offer further proof that those operations were in play well before the recent MSM reports.


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