Big Pharma

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ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 month ago

If you are injured by a vaccine, file a claim with the NVICF, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund. The fund was set up in lieu of people actually suing pharmaceutical companies, and is paid out by the Dept of Treasury aka The American Taxpayer. Settlements are a thin fraction of what they’d be if an injured person was actually suing a company for injury. There are law firms that specialize in working with HHS in settling these claims and their law fees are paid out of the compensation fund, so there is no out of pocket expense to cover lawyer fees for the injured party to file the claim. Do use a law firm that specializes in vaccine injury claims. You will never get a settlement for your injury if you do not. Also, if you are injured be sure to log the event on VAERS, which is the self reporting system for vaccine injury. Both these are “best kept secrets” to keep the settlements low and to keep the reporting of injuries low to suppress the true data. I was injured fifteen years ago by a tetanus booster whereby I lost the use of my left arm for about three months. I found out about the program only by Providence. It took more than three years to settle an “expedited” claim. As I said, settlements are a fraction of what they would be in a regular injury lawsuit, but its better than getting poked in the eye with a sharp stick anyway.