Attorney General Bill Barr has reportedly compared Donald Trump‘s attacks on him as a “deposed king ranting” after the president apparently raised the possibility of firing him.
On Saturday, the president described his attorney general as a “big disappointment” on Twitter after it emerged that the Department of Justice had begun an investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes as early as 2018 – but did not make existence of the enquiry public until after the election.
What else would a deep state reptile say when he is exposed?
David DeGerolamo
I know what Trump should say… “You’re fired!” AND, “See you in court!”
What a worthless POS. We had really been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Fooled again. Just dammit.
My question is why in hell was he chosen to replace do nothing Sessions? Barr has had a past history easy to research for being a swamp creature previous to his being named AG.
This is all BS and just more smoke and mirrors. Trump; Reality or Reality TV??
Hang him. Hang him and than shoot him. This is exactly why there cannot be any “compassion” (right out of the Old Testament when God instructed the Israelites to destroy them all because they were under a covenant, of destruction) or any forbearance for these people. Political commentators, whom I respect, speak of allowing Biden and his family immunity if Biden concedes, saying this is our best option. NO! Just watch, Biden Sr. will end up the dead scapegoat (my brother’s observation) and the rest will slither away. It is simple redneck sense. When you have a ferret in the henhouse, the first one you see and kill is not the end of the job. There is always a mate. America is suffering under so much corruption that every single potential traitor, down to academics and corporate office holders, must be brought to justice. As of Friday night past, the US no longer is under the jurisdiction of creatures like Barr because Roberts, a traitor, abdicated SCOTUS’s authority to protect our Constitution. We are in Old Testament justice. What we need now is Old West law enforcement, a hanging judge, rope and a firing squad. Barr, Roberts, Biden, Obama, Bush , Kerry, Clintons, et al. including their progeny, deserve to purged. I pray President Trump is able to do this. In that event, I pray it is not to late for us to defend ourselves.