Bill making Sharia illegal defense in SC courts defeated

Ronnie Sabb
“I couldn’t, in good conscience, support what it represents,” Sabb said. “A law like this sends us backwards.”

Yes. What could be more forward-thinking than stonings for adultery, amputations for theft, murder of apostates, and the institutionalized subjugation of women and non-Muslims? It’s the wave of the future!

“Ban on Sharia law defense in S.C. courts dies at the Statehouse,” by Maya T. Prabhu, Post and Courier, May 11 2016:

COLUMBIA — A bill that would have made the Muslim world’s Sharia law an illegal defense in South Carolina courts was narrowly defeated in the state Senate on Wednesday, killing it for the year.

The measure, sponsored by Charleston Republican Rep. Chip Limehouse, would have prevented an attorney from arguing that the laws of a client’s home country allow for certain actions in South Carolina.

“I’m not surprised,” Limehouse said of the bill’s failure to advance. “The Senate can be the graveyard of many good ideas.”

Limehouse said the measure was needed to curb the advancement of terrorist organizations in the country.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

Another reason why immigration should and must reflect the culture, views, beliefs. habits, and shared heritage IF the goal is to preserve and protect a way of life and the liberties afforded to it. Simply, the more homogenous a society the more harmonious it tends to be, the more ‘diverse’ the less so and the more laws to address it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

‘the more homogenous a society the more harmonious it tends to be, the more ‘diverse’ the less so and the more laws to address it.’

Yes. You win the noticing the [should be] obvious prize!

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago
Reply to  rogerunited

Maybe to some but look around and tell me it does not require repeating and often.

A quick question….

When was the last time you heard “diversity is our strength” vs something similar to the quote from my post?

8 years ago

The separate salad bar goes rancid with competing flavors…but the melting pot stew stays delicious.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

How does one “melt” oil and vinegar? One cannot serve Jesus the Christ and Mohamma.

allistair mitchell
allistair mitchell
8 years ago

Where is Americ’s melting pot, where we work for the good of the nation as a whole?Has the Democratic party committed to the genocide of the intended American dream? It certainly looks like it. Additions to the unified culture of this land are by and large welcomed -- but the aggressive take-over of our diversity by one brutal ideology is absolutely inacceptable and should not be tolerated. The concepts of Sharia law are completely at odds with the American Constitution and the judicial system. Sharia law must be banned in all of its forms or the burning of the US constitution will be next on the radical Islamic agenda.

8 years ago

Bill 3571?

could not find a roll call..