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Hmmm…. Whocouldaknowd?!?!?!!
Bet they already have a vajaculation for it. Line up libtards!
I see your vajax and raise you a beef cull. Beef production already the lowest ever. Won’t take much to put their bugs on the shelves. Culling beef and dairy production would just about finish off what’s left of small producers. Guys I know are just waiting to hang it up. Many are in their 69’s and 70’s and their kids ain’t taking over. They would take the insurance/fedbucks and run. Everything has been building toward a massive knowledge/skill/producer deficit. It’s not just the price of ground round but the price of generational knowledge and stewardship and investment in community. There will be opportunities for the remnant and dissidents but it’s not going to be low hanging fruit. God forgive these psychos because I’m not gonna.
Bird Flu jumping to Concocted BS! Taking away our vital nutrition is their aim.The walls are closing in on us fast! The death cult wants us ten feet deep asap.
Yep. For more giggles, guess what test the CDC recommends for bird sniffles? That’s right, the PCR. In fact, even their official guidance is some shady stuff. In essence, it’s really hard to detect so don’t assume people don’t have bird sniffles even if it seems it’s influenza A or other tests prove negative. You have to send it off to the official PCR labs where they can cook up the pandemic. SMH. There just isn’t gonna be enough rope.
Not enough rope is right! This whole scamdemic BS provides a nice cover for them and their agenda, because the majority of the masses are clueless to their nefarious intent that has nothing to do with the so called flu.
CDC, NIH, FDA all have ZERO credibility, and all should be shut down, more wasted tax money.
Nail on the head Sir Lawrence!
Yes sir I agree with you wholeheartedly, top to bottom.
Our daily adrenaline hit. The news sends us adrenaline hits 24/7. They want us scared and helpless. Stand!
The person “with bird flu” had conjunctivitis. Pinkeye.
I read the article. One of the symptoms of avian flu is eye redness. There was no mention of pink eye. While the person probably has avian flu, the credibility of our health care officials is very low.
Eye redness is pinkeye. Conjunctivitis.
Patient may well NOT have avian influenza. Prior cases have had exposure to infected birds and/or animals, as in this case. There is uncertainty regarding whether the positive test represents infection, or just a large exposure, that is what the test is picking up.
Right on time….
100% pure bullshit. They’ve got an election to steal and they will stop at nothing.
You are conflating election fraud with a health report. Please explain why you are refuting the story.
They used the Covid PLANNEDEMIC to STEAL the election. They are now saying this has spread from a bird to a human. You do the math. Get the lie machine going again and who knows what they will pull. I would put NOTHING past them at this point. The more polls come out, the most desperate the cornered/threatened RAT will become.
Just in time for the election! And all they could come up with is flu?
Disease X, I presume?
Bullshit, just another ploy to kill cows and eliminate food just like they did a couple years ago with chickens and turkeys. Since we are already at a historical low as many ranchers were forced to sell many younger animals last couple years due to the “vid’ hoax.
Gain of function. Thanks, Tony (Fauci) and Ralphie (Baric).
And right on glide-path, right on schedule, arriving right on time for the fall election. How convenient? What a coincidence--huh? More push-button tyranny from paper-shuffling fascists’.