Bitcoin Rises Over $500

If you go to today, you will see why Bitcoin is rising. The mad dash to transfer dollars and yuan to Bitcoins is exploding.

David DeGerolamo

One day before the Senate’s digital currency hearing titled “Beyond Silk Road: Potential Risks, Threats, and Promises of Virtual Currencies“, Bitcoin is largely oblivious to any potential regulatory threats, either at the legislative or the city level, where as reported previously the New York superintendent is in a rush to enforce BitLicenses on businesses that accept BitCoin, and moments ago crossed $500 for the first time ever. Instead, it appears that as we also reported previously, the Chinese Bitcoin craze has reached the parabolic threshold, going so far as making Bitcoin an acceptable payment for real estate, which means that while for the time being Bitcoin becomes the alternative inflation protection medium for hundreds of millions of Chinese, all bets on how high it can get are off.


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