Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Says “All Lives Matter” Is A Slur


h/t John P

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9 years ago

A “slur”? Are you sh*****g me? Ok. I’m gonna take a break before I spew out something foul….

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Anti-racist is code word for ANTI-WHITE.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

This is what the average black thinks. It should not surprise anyone.

9 years ago

Tom, that is a factual observation.

I’ve known a number of blacks making +/- $100K/yr. for well over a decade that somehow still share this tired old philosophy. They are all college educated and financially robust, most with working spouses and stable families. Still they sometimes see themselves as somehow not on equall footing with white counterparts. Where does that entitlement creep spring from?

These folks typically do not openly denigrate whites or espouse racial conflict, but some do tend to segregate themselves and ocassionally mutter disrespectfully regarding alleged racial injustice in the workplace or on the street.

If confronted about their feelings on the topic, they admit they have a good life and by-and-large opportunity has not been denied them. Their issues seem to stem from perceived treatment of those they know within their own race who have not achieved similar station in life.

Normally it is at this point in the conversation where I ask, “What are you personally doing to lift a brother or sister up and improve their life and the condition of the black community?”.

The answer usually is that they are doing nothing. They are busy caring and providing for their own family and it’s someone else’s responsibility to lift these brothers and sisters up.

I see that as ironic and tragic at the same time.

Unfortunately I can’t offer a solution because it would be dismissed out of hand as I am not black, and if I was I’d be called an Uncle Tom for not conforming to the victim or entitlement mentalites.

The solution truly does lie in the hands of black leadership, mentorship, and positive role modeling. Unfortunately for blacks (as is also true for whites these days), more often than not personal agenda and personal gain are paramount to most leaders. Clearly the principal in this video is no exception.

9 years ago

As I stated on teh Twitter:

“Black Lives Matter racist Marissa Jenae Johnson is privileged more than 90% of the world’s population by virtue of being born in America”

“America still #1 destination for people of color to immigrate TO. Black Lives Matter activists never talk about that”.

“As an immigrant, I find Black Lives Matter slurs against America offensive. It’s still the #1 choice for people of color to immigrate TO to increase their quality of life”

The end.
Your mileage may vary.

a follower
a follower
9 years ago

Sanity matters?