Dear white people….
Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.
— War Machine III (@TefPoe) March 16, 2016
Tef Poe insists the Black Lives Matter rioters have been too nice.
Editor’s note: the above tweet has been removed from Twitter.
Trump wins aint no more rules fammo. We've been too nice as is.
— Tef Poe the 🐐 (@TefPoe) March 16, 2016
Divided we fall. And who is waiting to pick up the pieces?
David DeGerolamo
h/t Matt Bracken
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Thomas Jefferson
“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.”
If their rage follows the past patterns they will mostly burn down their own neighborhoods and businesses. I lived on the edge of it outside Newark NJ in the 60’s as a boy and watched it first hand. 30 years later some black neighborhoods (where the riots were contained) still hadn’t recovered. They mostly looted one another.
I live 20 minutes down 85 from Durham…but there is a big difference from my boyhood…today I’m an experienced, hardened, combat veteran who is armed to the teeth and I’m not talking patty cake pocket pistols…War Machine III’s threat taken outside his hood could find him and his peeps and gansta rapper wanna be’s singing the opening from the theme song from MASH — Suicide is painless it bring on many changes…
ISIS terrorists…Black Lives Matter bringing riots to my town/home..punk thug home invaders…or enemies both foreign and domestic…rock & roll hootchie coo…God Bless the 2nd amendment, full metal jackets, night scopes and Gilly suites…all those hard earned lessons from all those past firefights defending War Machine III right to flap his twitter lips…and lots of currant range time.
Semper Fi Do or Die -- War Machine III Better be real careful on where he is hell bent on rioting…maybe keep it in a safe PC zone in one of the local Marxist spoiled brat breeding seats of higher brain washing…cuz many of U.S. have 30 round mags full of real micro aggression self defense…
I am thankful you are prepared but the blacks will be a simple matter to deal with, the government that comes after you for doing it less so. Think Ferguson vs LaVoy.
I had a line in my comment -- “or enemies both foreign and domestic” -- and my last two words were “self defense” -- but I do not underestimate the domestic government threat, nor do I take it lightly…all a free American can do is take advantage of the 2nd amendment -- be prepared and make a stand.
I’m -- planning -- preparing for collapse, civil unrest, anarchy, martial law, and possible civil war (Mall mouths like War Machine III will be a light snack)…If we not in the beginning of sorrows I’d be surprised.
I have already been a extra in a real Mad Max movie…and I’ll do it again if I have to.
No lack of situational awareness or blinded by normalcy bias here…just minding my own business…for now…clinging to my Bible and my guns.
Mark, your point is well made and painfully valid, and I would propose that *most* of the useful idiots wearing the “Black Lives Matter” hallmark know it -- certainly the older ones: the “leaders” who lived through the 1960s as we did, know the facts.
They hate the facts, but they *know* them with painful clarity -- they know that “black communities” are never self-sufficient; they know that black children don’t score as well as white and asian children on standardized tests, even in school districts with excellent overall scores and not the slightest hint of segregation; they know that the FBI and many state crime statistcs prove, year after year, that blacks are inherently more inclined to crime overall, and profoundly more inclined to violent crimes than their white, asian, and hispanic neighbors; and the wisest among them are able to recognize that blacks do not possess the long-term planning skills necessary to creating and maintaining a stable society -- overall blacks do not recognize or assess risks, benefits, trends, and inflection points as whites and asians do. IOW, their abtract thinking is, generally, not equal to that of other races. But where others would leave their statement at this point, considering it ‘complete’, I do not. Because each race has gifts as well as limitations; and just because we -- as white men -- find valuable that which we possess, does not mean that other things are not equally valuable to others.
I don’t say any of this out of hate, or even disrespect, but out of a real and heartfelt Charity. God’s view of humanity is greater than ours, and His ways are not our ways, being well above ours in *every* respect. I believe that God, in his infinite wisdom, created us for community, and for a true and unbiased love of one another, and that we are not all created congruent, but we are all created equal in His eyes. So when I say that God created us for community, I mean that he didn’t create any man, or even any nation of men, to live without the contributions of others.
Put plainly, God created us to need each other -- some of these needs are more observable than others, and some are more urgent than others, but they are all real needs; and He knows why he put those needs into each of us as individuals, and into every one of us as nations of men -- certain needs for which we must depend upon others. And if we cannot see those needs, or the Just reasons for those needs, then it is our own shortcomings which we must contemplate -- not the shortcomings of others.
But back to your point -- yes, I believe that most of the #BLM participants know that there are limits they ought not to breach, lest they come up against a power which they can neither overcome by force, nor by reason. Honestly, I suspect that this is why blacks (mostly) burn their own neighborhoods and communities down when their rage vents itself -- because they know that to go against a predominantly white community with rage and violence, is suicide of the most ugly sort.
When I look back, and contemplate the 1940s and 50s, and I see what the Black Community in America was working towards, what they were achieving in those years, and I compare that to what their focus and intentions have been since the 1970s, I am very saddened by the change. The Black Community of the 1940s and 50s had a desire to *achieve* the American dream… and they were doing it!
But since the 1970s, their deepest desire and underlying motive has been to segregate themselves from the mainstream of American society -- to become a separate nation within our country -- and being so separated, to destroy the American dream out of vengeance for injuries both old and new, both real and imagined. That most of the real injuries are old, and most of the new are imagined, is a conversation that cannot be had, beacause their *belief* has overgrown their reason, and their unity as a Black Nation has demanded their allegiance, to subvert and deny any objective assessment, even when voiced from among their own.
And now, I shall dare to say that which will anger the most -- that if the Black Community continues on their current path of separatism and hatred, and should they allow their brothers to engage in such widespread violence as they currently threaten, then they will soon find themselves to be viewed by whites as just as dangerous and undesirable as muslims.
Pause, please, and read that last parragraph again, allowing it to sink in to the very depths of your heart and mind.
And the most horrid conclusion of such a chain of events is that blacks, who have been here since colonial times, and who have as much right of claim to America as we white men do -- by virtue of their presence here, working generation after generation, living and dying alongside us to build what we now have as a nation; that blacks might ultimately, by their separatism and hatred, their violence and unconsolability, actually be cause themselves to be displaced from this nation along with the muslim interlopers -- blacks, denaturalized, and sent away; robbed of their birthright by a gross misapprehension of their rights…which misapprehension they shall have instigated and (at least in part) brought upon themselves. What a shame this would be for us all; and a grave sin upon all -- both black and white -- who should do even the slightest thing to bring such a course of events about.
Dignity demands civility. Those who refuse to be civil with their neighbors, lay their own dignity down to be walked upon by their neighbors. Having done so, they have no claim to injury or to just indignation when they later feel trammeled upon, for they have effectively injured themselves. But those who take enjoyment to trammel the dignity of others are just as wrong, and their sin is just as great; and I pray that both sides in the matter cease to grate upon one another in thi fashion -- if not for the sake of their own dignity, then for the sake of our Nation’s dignity, which is marred by the indiscretions of one and all, equally.
Back in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s blacks were, the vast majority of them anyway, separated from the rest of the country. So while the problems of crime and illegitimacy, fornication etc. were much more prominent with them than in other communities it was contained. While other groups suffered less with these problems at that time, proximity combined with government paying for it, have exacerbated their problems and made it all a part of our community which means our own children and society suffer as a reslut.
So while I wish them the best, respect their right to make their own choices, and encourage all to share in the salvation of Christ I believe Mr. Jefferson was correct in his conclusion regarding the Hamites and compatibility. Consider it a simple recognition of God’s handiwork in creating and separating the nations of the earth.
I wish them no harm but neither do I wish myself, my family, or my country to be harmed by them.
Racial polarization has gathered both speed and mass since the first black President was elected and reelected and most blacks do not see (or understand) Obama’s Saul Alinsky’s agenda and tactics are at their expense.
A handful do…I was a big Ben Carson supporter, too bad he couldn’t step up his game. I saw real potential with him after the Prayer breakfast lightening strike and reading his books and was part of the movement that drafted him with a monthly tithe.
As I move around black areas of Durham shopping, working, passing through I have upped my self defense posture both in weapons and mind set -- (part of this is the ISIS threat) if the Black Lives Matter racists (like this jelly head below) follow through on this threat (speaking for myself):
Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.
— War Machine III (@TefPoe) March 16, 2016
all I can say is…be prepared to be met with violent force (that will match the threat) but if the worse case happens you will find out the true meaning of the word WAR…and it won’t be a video game…or a blather mouth tweet…
Mark -- --
Agreed -- if they bring this violence out of their own enclaves, to “whitey’s neighborhood”… they will indeed see WAR, and they will loose. It’s simple statistics, really -- Black males “of fighting age” (for the sake of argument, say 15 to 35 years old) represent less than 5% of the total population of America; whereas white males “of fighting age” represent (depending on whose numbers you believe) somewhere around 40%. That’s an 8:1 advantage in manpower.
And while a substantial portion of the fighting age black males may consider themselves competent handling a pistol, very few have received any training with a rifle, or spent any time behind one.
And yet, here in the South at least, the blacks are facing an adversary in which roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of the fighting age men are highly competent with a *RIFLE*; and another 1/3 or more among men possess at least basic competency with a rifle -- and there are also many women and older youth who are also competent with a rifle, constitution a rather sizable “reserve force” as well.
When men [of any race] with a military background contemplate a situation where the *RANGE ADVANTAGE* obtained by competency with a rifle is given to a force which already has an 8:1 [or greater] manpower advantage… that’s a guaranteed slaughter of a conflict.
I’m sorry to have to state it so bluntly, but to soften my observations any further than I already have would (in my conscience anyway) constitute criminal omission.
And YES, in the event of rioting, looting, or any other form of violence which threatens my family or community -- I will be shooting *anyone* regardless of race, who participates in such destructive and violent invasion of my community.
Joe -- --
In the 1940s and 50s, blacks were a very religious group overall, and most black families were exactly that -- traditional families, with a father who worked and a mother who raised the children and took odd jobs to add to the household’s income. Nearly every black child had two responsible parents, and a traditional upbringing which stressed faith, respect toward others, and responsibility as guiding principles.
And in the post-war era, segregation was rapidly dissolving, because men who had fought together in the wars had learned by their mutual ordeals that race was no proof of valor or dignity -- either for or against. I have served with men of every race, and I too can attest to the fact that race is definitely not a reliable indicator of trustworthyness, courage, or sense of dignity.
It is well documented that, beginning in the early 1950s, the Soviets actively recruited amongst the black community to establish a body of anti-American sentiment, with the expectation that it would grow over a period of two or three generations into a full-blown racial separatist movement which could be used to fracture the American society and electorate. By the late 1960s, with the implementation of Johnson’s “Great Society” and the “war on poverty”, they even had help and funding from the US Government to further the development of their separatist movement within American society… and it has worked amazingly well.
MOST of what is considered today as “Black Culture” can be traced directly back to the 50 years of soviet subversion directed specifically at the American black community by the Soviet Commisariat for External Revolution. Their efforts have destroyed the black family; promoted illicit drug use (which destroys personal judgement); promoted criminal enterprises as being highly preferable to legitimate employment; and utterly corrupted black attitudes towards education and the benefits of a fully integrated society. In short, the current attitude of black separatism is almost completely a product of cold-war Soviet efforts to destroy America from within.
And I will observe here that, what took generations of Soviet subversion to accomplish, will likely take generations of sincere effort to heal… and that cannot begin unless and until the communists in American government are eliminated, and all their social programs which continue the Commisariat’s work at corrupting the black community, are dismantled.
We *ALL* have a great deal of work ahead of us -- both blacks and whites. And we cannot get about it, so log as we continue to take the bait of the communists in our society, who want us at each others’ throats…
I don’t understand. Where are the police? Where is the FBI? Why are these threats allowed to stand with no action? This is hate speech -- no other word for it. But it’s allowed under this administration? God Bless Us All…
The double standard clearly states its only hate speech if it come from the Right (read the fine print)…and this is the most ideologically corrupt administration since the Pigs took over Animal Farm.
The Obama administration is to truth as orange is to rhyming poetry…and the FBI…well lets just say that the days of G-Men defending truth, justice and the American way are getting complicated.
Keep your powder dry and your pocket Constitution handy!
HopeForChange, and all --
Where you live, may well have a lot to do with where (and how and when) you die…
according to the scripture to die is gain, and if we have to die for protecting our loved ones so be it, but in the end there wont be any of these black communist Islamics along with white liberal democratic bolshevik trash left. they all will be dead and that includes the leaders who have propped them up to do such murderous deeds. as for the khazar phony two bit lying jew, Soros he will be grabbed and all his assets seized and hanged. Iam sick of these people.