BLACKROCK Uses YOUR Money To Steal Your Freedom!

Here is a simple solution to fixing a major contributor to the downfall of our country: pass legislation making it illegal for any investment firm to use their influence to impact the board of directors of any corporation. This could be the placement of people on the board or forcing corporations to make decisions through coercion, blackmail or “favors”.

Who would have thought that our money placed in pension funds would then be aggregated to force the people to follow the personal dictates of a few in “power”. If this legislation was passed, DEI, ESG, climate control and the sexual perversion of our children would end instantly.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

Not a bad idea, but a long uphill fight to accomplish. One thing I always wanted to see was an amendment against economic coercion in government. The best example of this is the practice collecting Federal taxes for the interstate highway system, then threatening to withhold them if a given state’s legislature did not agree to pass laws the Federal Government demands, such as drinking age at 21, seatbelt requirements, and specific speed limits. What they are doing is encroaching upon State’s business and rights with this blackmail.

1 year ago

Its a big club, and we ain’t in it.

1 year ago


1 year ago

This documentary is being scrubbed right now… The footage of psychopathic wackjob Larry Fink the younger is priceless.
A BBC / Adam Curtis production that must have snuck in before BBC really sank into the censorship pit.
Larry Fink after 01:14:00

Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle
1 year ago

“pass legislation…” sounds almost as good as voting