Hope n’ Change is still no fan of Donald Trump, but we won’t stand idly by while he’s blamed for the increasingly violent protests being waged by the well-funded and entirely-orchestrated Left.
What we’re seeing is the culmination of over seven years of anti-Republican hate speech from the Democrats and media. Members of the GOP have been compared to terrorists and hostage takers. Hillary Clinton, no stranger to “Youtube videos which inspire violence,” can be found on Youtube hysterically shrieking that Republicans “want to take away everybody’s rights! Women’s rights! Gay rights! Civil rights! Human rights!” Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders blames billionaires like Trump for the woes of the world, then calls on his young supporters to commit themselves to revolution.
Watching the disruptive tactics of groups like MoveOn.org, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Code Pink, and other Soros-funded puppets begs the question of how many devils can dance on the head of a campaign pin. And all of this is happening in the context of a White House which has long demonized the police, promoted racial and class hatred, flooded our nation with illegal aliens (and released thousands of violent offenders onto our streets), scoffed at the threat of terrorism while actively curtailing our liberties in the name of fighting terror, and unilaterally ripped the Constitution to shreds.
Interesting to compare those in the GOP blaming Trump for the unprovoked attacks, in a rational world at least, and the silence of the left in calling for peace and respecting the rights of all citizens. Shared hypocrisy from different perspectives?