It appears that people are forwarding the daily posts from NCRenegade to their liberal friends. Needless to say, they are not too happy.
To clarify, NCRenegade uses a plugin from Feedburner to send emails to individuals based on when an article is published or on a daily basis. People have to sign up and validate their subscription to NCRenegade in order to receive emails. I do not have the ability to unsubscribe you and I have no way to stop people from forwarding their emails from Feedburner.
For those who are receiving emails forwarded from sentient Americans and are upset by their content, bless your heart.
David DeGerolamo
Absolutely marvelous !
and then some…heheheh
🙂 However, I must say that I don’t use “bless your heart” as in the cartoon, but simply that you have forgotten or missed something obvious.:)
I checked the email address against the subscription list. Just in case. But even if that was the case, they could have clicked “unsubscribe”.