
Two Army recruiting videos — one from Russia and one from the U.S. — highlight the attitude of the Left toward national defense, and so many other areas. Bill Whittle says the Progressive vision for America can be encapsulated into one slogan: “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”


Can we wake up from this nightmare and restore the Republic, hang the traitors and give our children Liberty? Not without a fight and people willing to sacrifice for a higher calling.

David DeGerolamo

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Eddie Hnatko
Eddie Hnatko
3 years ago

Aahhh, Bill, I couldn’t disagree with you more on this issue. What I see is total chaos coming out of this. The VAST majority of AMERICANS and assorted ILLEGALS and 99% of MUSLIMS along with everyone employed and drawing a paycheck plus the BLM, ANTIFA and released CONVICTS and CHRISTIANS IN NAME ONLY will insure the real conservative element of America has no alternative but to defend itself. I regret to say it will be a losing proposition. And there are too many reasons why it is doomed to failure to even explain. We are on our own like it or not. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not speaking from a defeatist attitude. I would like nothing better than to strike back.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I’d love to feel confident that ordinary people are done with this, but isn’t that just another version of Q at this point? We only have two things that can be used effectively against the brainwashing (as evidenced in the Disney-like recruitment video), first, God; then our numbers IF we come together. I don’t think cell phones and cars sold to new markets are going to bring us all together.

3 years ago

Bill Whittle is dead to me.