While I think the odds of an assassination over gun control policy is generally infinitesimal (the last Congressional Representative killed in office was Leo Ryan, gunned down by Jim Jones’ cultists in Africa South America in 1978), the current political climate suggests that there is the remote but emerging possibility of such an action.
- Politicians up to and including the President and his Executive branch officials are waging a war of disinformation and outright lies to undermine the rights of the American people.
- The mainstream media is actively colluding with these politicians to wage a war of disinformation and outright lies regarding the role of firearms in crimes, firearms and firearms laws, and slandering the nearly 100 million Americans that are part of the firearms-owning community.
- This collusion between these groups (which I’ve argued is one incestuous group, dubbed the “polimedia”) have led to the passage of the most draconian gun laws in history in the states of New York, Connecticut, Maryland, and Colorado. The polimedia intends to spread to other states and the entire Republic if at all possible. This is causing considerable economic harm, and dramatically restricting Constitutional and God-given liberties, creating a motive.
h/t WRSA
Bob Owens you Lie all the time. Why is it ok for you to lie and lie and lie but not them?