Boko Haram horror in Nigeria as 100 bodies – many missing their heads – are discovered in mass grave

Brutal: Abubakar Shekau,  leader of the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, preaching his messages of hate. The insurgents have lost ground to army forces in recent weeks

Brutal: Abubakar Shekau,  leader of the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, preaching his messages of hate. The insurgents have lost ground to army forces in recent weeks

More than 100 bodies have been found in a mass grave in northeast Nigeria after a town was reclaimed from Boko Haram terrorists.

The bodies – many with their throats slit and heads cut off – were found underneath a bridge in the town of Damasak, after it was retaken earlier this month by troops from Chad and Niger.

It is believed the victims may have been killed more than two months ago, due to the fact the bodies were severely decomposed.



What difference does it make? This massacre over several days was known when it happened two months ago. The news media did not cover it then and I doubt it will get much coverage now.

Islam is evil. The premise is simple: if Islam was not evil, the good Muslims would stand up against it.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

Behold the sons of Cain; descendants of the first man in history to blatantly and repeatedly commit every one of the Seven Deadly Sins. And not without admonition, for God spoke directly to Cain and challenged him as to the murder of Abel, and also for the rest of his willful repudiation of God’s law; but did Cain repent? No, rather he lied directly to God, denying all of his copious sins.

And thus was the first act of taqiyya committed. For this God Cain cursed Cain, and all of his descendents;
“A vagabond and a fugitive shall thou be; restless and without the society of men.”

Cain was right to fear that anyone who came across him (or his descendants) would kill him, for it would be Just to do so. And God was merciful to forebear, and to place the mark upon Cain. But who among us is willing to see the Mark, and to abide God’s will in the matter?

For we have forgotten the injunction which is placed upon US -- to refuse any mingling of Cain’s descendants in our society, in accordance with God’s Will. To this consequence are we now suffering the punishment of OUR OWN disobedience; and as such, there is only one course of rectitude -- to cast out each and every one of the descendants of Cain from our society, to grant them neither our aid, nor commerce, nor tolerance, nor even our countenance; but to follow God’s command with contrite hearts, not relying upon our own feeble judgement, and to uphold the curse which He Himself hath decreed for all those who, with haughty hearts full of hatred, and the purpose to deceive and destroy, should be cast out of every civilized place and nation, and allowed to suffer and die in the desert which He has dictated as their inheritance.



9 years ago

everyone of these demonic islamics should have there heads cut off and there you know whats stuffed in there mouths.