BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Economist at World Government Summit says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction

h/t SteveQuayle

The World Government Summit is underway this week in Abu Dhabi and we’ve already got a bombshell to report.

Dr. Pippa Malmgrem, a top American economist who served as a special adviser to former President George W. Bush, made a statement that confirms everything myself and others have been reporting for quite some time – that a cashless society is looming right around the corner.


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2 years ago

They are forcing this planned “shift” and it only happens if WE cooperate with these thieves. They want to RULE over the mass of people and have no interest if governing free people.

2 years ago
Reply to  WorkingDawg

Sadly…the majority of people will gladly accept the Mark of the Beast and eventually the remainder will succumb as well as acceptance equates to food (whatever that is in 2-3 years…insects-Soylent). I just read WEF/Bill Gates are targeting 2024 to eliminate all natural Beef sales, making the sale punishable by fine or prison. Only the Elite will eat beef and natural foods, not the plebes! As Carlin said…its a Big Club and “we” aint in it!

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

This has been planned for a long time, the real question is, what crisis or event will be used as the excuse for why it is implemented?
They will not just roll this out and expect people to swallow it, something large will need to happen so that this is not met with mass resistance.
Cyber attack on the banking system? Accounts deleted overnight across the US and EU? (of course all blamed on Russia…). Maybe.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

Pippa has always been part of the Brotherhood of Darkness just like her father. She could care less about the general population. So we should be thrilled to ditch the central bank controlled fiat currency back by nothing, for a central bank non printed digital currency back by nothing that will be used to track everything we do, and that it can be withdrawn from our federal reserve bank accounts at anytime should we do something the central bank government does not approve of like visit this website. Like good little sheep we are suppose to line-up and accept the oppression so we can get a short-term good social credit score. You will have nothing and you will be in total bondage to the same people who are your masters today. Pippa is and always has been a globalist viper. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!