Book Review: The Golden Pinnacle

I finished The Golden Pinnacle by Robert Gore this week. When he gave me a copy last month, I must admit that the size of the book (794 pages) put me off as my reading list is always growing. Fortunately for me, I did not put this at the bottom of my pile.

I want to say first that this is not an apocalyptic book: it starts in the War of Northern Aggression and ends in the early 1920s. But the message was positive. Whether times are good or times are bad, it is up to us to make the best out of them. And although there may be consequences for taking the high road, we can still maintain integrity and honor as well as set an example for others to follow.

I highly recommend this book as do the people commenting on Amazon (5 star average rating).

But I want to put all of the above aside for a minute. It is easy to get caught up in the negative that we are experiencing in the country. Yes, the political elite have sold us out and the economy is collapsing worldwide. As outlined in this book, these cycles are nothing new. I do believe that the scale may be larger in our case, but in the end, it is up to us how we act. Although this book reinforced my personal beliefs concerning living a decent and moral life, it also gave me hope that I will be able to build a better future for our children.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

I have not read it….but are you calling for ‘positive thinking’?