Boosting Your Immune System In Defense Against Coronavirus

As the US approaches the half-million mark of # of people infected with covid-19, Chris shares his personal regimen for keeping his immune system elevated.

This is NOT personal medical advice, though Chris shares the research results supportive of his regimen.

Meanwhile, the damage to the global economy continues to amplify. In China, half a million companies have closed already. In the US, over 16 million people have filed for unemployment. And the response from US central authorities is staggering in scope. $Trillions and $trillions in stimulus is now flooding onto the stage.

Will it rescue the companies and households that are suffering? Time will tell. Though it’s an easy bet to predict that the larger and more powerful parties will fare much better than the average joe.

Chris points out how the decision-makers within Congress and the Fed don’t fathom (or more accurately, can’t fathom) the magnitude of the steps they’re taking. The sums are just too big. What ripple effects will this drastic action have for our currency’s purchasing power? To the already terrible wealth gap in this country?

Again, time will tell. But we very much may not like the answers we ultimately get. On a more positive note: Happy Easter/Passover! Get out there this weekend and start/work on your garden!

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