Boots on the Ground …Sept. 28th…News you need to know and it is not looking good.

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Silver Dolphins
Silver Dolphins
1 year ago

Feinstein is dead. Kamala is told to step down and take Feinstein’s Senate position. Obama’s wife takes the VP position. Biden Resigns.

1 year ago

And nothing changes, the electronic python continues to strangle our Republic.

But my money is on they FIRST do a big media crush on Biden to dump everything wrong the Deep State did on HIM. Like the Scape Goat.

Never let an emergency go to waste, it allows things to happen that the public would never allow (ah PATRIOT Act and 911) if needed create the emergency. Rahm Emanuel Obama’s right hand man.

1 year ago

How about everyone just go on strike?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Katie hobbs, the illegitimate governor steps down MIA.

1 year ago

Moody’s Corporation is a New York-based company that owns Moody’s Investors Service, which rates the creditworthiness of companies and governments.

Moody’s has issued a warning of “Systemic Risk.”

“We believe large banks in the publicly syndicated loan market — which have lost significant leveraged loan share to private credit rivals in recent years — will be competing aggressively as new leveraged buyouts emerge,” said Moody’s analyst Christina Padgett, who leads the agency’s research of risky corporate lending. “This will cause pricing, terms and credit quality to erode, fueling systemic risk.”

Greg Mannarino substack today

1 year ago

Everything at once. He mentioned that Ukraine wants to bomb drone factories in Iran and Syria. That means that it’s okay for Russia to bomb drone and armament factories in Europe and the US. Russia is doing a nationwide nuclear civil defense exercise today. October 4th the US is doing a nationwide emergency alert test. I wonder. Hmmm.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Hope some of you are taking this in:

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

To Clarify. The u- Tube portion was more what i was interested in. On Rumble the conversations went many directions, Language warning etc.