Boots on the Ground…Sept. 30th…Another hot spot just flared up could lead to a World War.

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1 year ago

Peace keeping mission in Kosovo? Really? The US backed the terrorist KLA against the Christian Serbs. KLA equals Kosovo Liberation Army. It was the US that put the KLA on the terror list. Kosovars are Albanian Muslims. The leader of the KLA was Hashim Thaci. The leading drug smuggler in Europe according to Interpol. The KLA is also communist. Thaci was finally indicted by the ICC for war crimes. The US put two big military bases in Kosovo to ensure Thaci would stay in power. The Albanian Kosovars are also White slavers. Kidnapping young White women in Europe for sale in mostly Muslim countries. Are we the “baddies”? You bet we are.

1 year ago

The only thing that can fix this is the revival of holy pulpits.