Illegal aliens cross open southern border under Joe Biden’s open border plan. Bill Melugin video screengrab
In late April, Republican Congressman Andy Biggs, told Steve Bannon and The War Room he just got off a conference call with certain executives in big border counties in Arizona. The county leaders told him they had just had a briefing by Border Patrol who said along the Southern border of the United States and there’s 700,000 to a million illegal aliens prepared, when Title 42 comes off, to storm the border.
Title 42 ends on Wednesday, May 10. US border states are preparing for a massive invasion into the United States. This is Joe Biden’s plan.
Now border patrol agents are irate after the Biden regime tipped off dangerous illegal invaders what entry points to avoid.
Bill Melugin: From a strategic standpoint, it is puzzling that DHS would announce this publicly via a press release which essentially gives these evaders/gotaways a heads up that they are coming. Already hearing from frustrated Border Patrol agents saying the operation will now be worthless.
This is what DHS/CBP sent out to the media tonight. Doesn’t leave much to imagination,
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 9, 2023
Aiding and abiding a foreign invasion; if we had a serious government with actual representation Biden would’ve long ago been impeached.
Tried, prosecuted for treason and EXECUTED!\
Oh Happy days, oh happy days,
when they finally hang his ass, when they finally hang his ass
We will finally be rid of his ass.
with the buzzard feeding on his corpse!
if we had serious citizens, he and all of the district of criminals would be swinging in the wind and that city leveled. Nothing good comes out of that place. Remember the Father’s met in Philly.
If I thought he would actually read it, I would hand-write in calligraphy a letter on parchment begging Putin to Sarmat the next joint meeting of congress.
Pretty please with a cherry on top.
We the American People
We are on the eve of their destruction.
im on the s az border. it’s worse than you can imagine. shit tons of latinos, mena muslims, chinese,
i can hear fire in the distance often day and night. prepare accordingly
Vegas, pickup an M2 and a lot of ammo you gonna need it.
The people who have been warning you about things before they happen have a warning about this situation as well.
Stock up on ammo.
The invaders aren’t going to leave voluntarily. There will be genocide. THIS IS A BENEFIT to the powers that be to reduce populations in both demographics.
You have to understand a couple things stone cold, then ask yourself “what comes next?” under those circumstances:
They will not self-deport themselves back home.
This country is crashing into the next great depression
They have to eat, sleep, shit somewhere
Millions upon millions….
I’m going to close by digging up an old gem from the early days on WRSA:
You don’t have enough ammo, or hard hearted friends.
Ya know, not for nuthin…..
But at what point do the people get to say ok, enough?
I don’t mean the old “what is it going to take?” question CA has asked 100,000,000 times.
I mean literally, at what point do the citizens have legal recourse to organize (e.g. militia I believe is the legal term?), and tell the DHS, Nat Guard boys, and every other uniformed employee, you’re fired, go home.
If (lack of) defense of the nations border does not constitute failure or dereliction of duty…? Like how do you fire an employee that won’t leave their workstation? You call the sheriff and arrest them for trespassing? How do you do a citizens arrest on border patrol agents?
Actually… if they ARE as pissed at their bosses as they say they are, they should submit to arrest and turn in their weapons and badges to local law enforcement.
Another act of treason by the Biden admin. GET A ROPE!
Outright treason by the Biden administration in facilitating the invasion of our country.
Actually a buzzard would be feeding on Arthur Roberts (I don’t know why the CIA wanted a clone for Brandon), but I’m right there with everyone.