The food crisis is escalating: more countries are halting exports, but even as the EU converges a food crisis meeting, they refuse to relax restrictions on farmers. Similarly, the US is not waiving biofuel mandates even as grain prices explode. Christian explains that this crisis is needed to advance the agenda, and reiterates the priorities for your victory garden to insulate your family and community from this worldwide food crisis. Start growing today.
The danger we are in can not be overstated. This is planned. Everyone needs to grow as much as they can this spring and summer. Build planting beds. Learn straw bale gardening. Learn kratky hydroponic gardening. There is not enough fertilizer for commercial farms, and there are already significant food shortages. Planting season is close… get started.
We have been growing as much as we can since we moved to Az. I am just now finishing our chicken coop, it will get much worse pretty soon now.
Yes, grow as much as you can. Learn how to preserve everything. Freeze as little as possible.
The real problem is, it takes time to prepare the soil, build hydroponic systems & last but not least, how to grow just about anything but weeds. Growing your own food is not just poking some seeds into the ground. If you have the good fortune of getting a good harvest the first year, how are you going to preserve it for the months you can’t grow food? The growing part is the just the tip of the iceberg. Those folks that did not start this process years ago are going to be in a crash coarse they have never experienced. If there is a food shortage you better have some skill sets that are needed. With every solution comes a new problem. The problem here is you only have so much time. Time is a sword that cuts both ways & reality is a cold stone faced teacher. Oh yes, I forgot if you are successful in growing a good garden, you will have to protect it against those that want it for nothing. Remember socialism, communism, or just plain lazy folks want what you have worked so hard to grow & accumulate.
Good luck with this new reset folks. If food shortages continue for to long you are going to see what the lack of humanity looks like. Even the well prepped will be at great risk. Remember, these ass-hats are telling us to give up our Constitution & Bill of Rights so you can enjoy this great new plan. The problem is this great new plan has never historically succeeded for the common hard working individual. It only works for the string puller.
i want to know how much more, do the city slickers. think farmers should have to bear? i have everything i have invested in planting this years crop. i’m raising as much beef and brood stock that i can right now. if city people dont pay me for what i have invested in it. i will be broke next year. auctions dont work with teh big 4 meat mafia running a monoply. 50 to 60 cents per pound doesnt cover the cost to raise them. that is why we a re all doing freezer beef. and thats just breaking even.
what your experiencing now in the foreseen repercussions of the trump trade war/ trump starved out china and they released covid on you. he set milk prices below the cost of production. its even worse now. people got paid not to work. there is almost no fertilizer now. what there is. i have to pay a premium to get a chance at it. have almost 30grand prepaid. to get a chance at getting some and that still doesnt cover it. r suppliers are telling us. they have no clue if any will be delivered.
the only thing we can do is slowly release soybeans on the markets and hold all of our corn for now, till we know if we will even plant a corn crop. that corn is for feeding my cattle. you want to knn ow what beef and corns going to do. you havent seen anytihng yet. repercussions from that evil SOB trump.some of us saw this coming.
I do understand your situation and pain. The government, banking & corporate America have hobbled the farmer through price controls, supply controls, regulations on just about every product produced and higher than hell equipment prices to mention just a few. I read an article that targeted farmers and the trucking industry as being 1st & 2nd in line respectfully for government take over. This is because of the importance of the two occupations. The once respected occupation of medicine, law enforcement & clergy have all fallen to the state. I only wish people would wake up to the fact they will be starved out by the ones that are giving them the free crap as we speak. There is a reset coming but not the one everyone has been dreaming of.
i already had to sell almost 1/3 of my farm , to survive his disaster. i paid off all my debts and have the rest sitting in my local local local bank. now you have both the far left and Qleft. , which are all antifa , in my book. tehy are nothing but financial terrorist. they want to wipe out everytihng, my family has worked for. this is cash i have to save for death taxes or disaterous years.
you have no idea, how royal pissed i am. there is ways to save the country and the currency. but no one else wants to adult.
my loyalty is to the original constitution, only land owners hsould be voting, because they have a stake in what happens to society.
Ask yourself why they allow Russian oil exports but won’t allow any Russian or Ukranian wheat exports?
Or why they won’t allow the full use of farmland during a food crisis, or allow a pipeline to bring oil from Canada to the US.
We know why don’t we.
The “installed” not elected governor and her entourage comes to mind.
I forgot to mention that I was referring to the state of MI and its governor in my above post. This administration has limited supply of pipe line 5 using the Great lakes as an excuse. And yes, why has this installed individual in the White House stopped the completion of the pipeline coming from Canada in the plains states?
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