During the first wave of pandemic lockdowns, America became a rather surreal place. The initial shock that I witnessed in average people in my area was disturbing. Half the businesses in the region closed and a third of the grocery store shelves were empty. The look in people’s faces was one of bewilderment and fear; their eyes were like saucers, no one was staring into their cell phones as they usually do, and people huddled over their shopping carts like wild dogs protecting a carcass.
Luckily, this tension has subsided, but only because the majority of Americans have been assuming for the past couple months that the pandemic was going to fade away in the summer and that the “reopening” was permanent. Sadly, this is a delusion that is going to bite people in the ass in the next month or two.
In “The Economic Reopening Is A Fake-Out”, published at the end of May, I stated:
“The restrictions will continue in major US population centers while rural areas have mostly opened with much fanfare. The end result of this will be a flood of city dwellers into rural towns looking for relief from more strict lockdown conditions. In about a month, we should expect new viral clusters in places where there was limited transmission. I suggest that before the 4th of July holiday, state governments and the Federal government will be talking about new lockdowns, using the predictable infection spike as an excuse.”
I also noted:
Certainly, it appears that most Americans hate the lockdowns. But will they be fooled by the “reopening” into complacency for the next several weeks while the government gets ready to hit them with the next round of restrictions? Will they be so caught off guard they won’t know how to react? Imagine the economic devastation of just one more nationwide lockdown event? It will be carnage, and a lot of hope within the population will be lost.
I hate to say it, but that’s probably a very accurate assessment of the situation and how it’s going to go.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
It seems to me that the bolsheviks (and all other ‘government’ offal) have Discovered the most effective Weapon yet; Fear of Disease. Nobody wants to get Sick, but too many sheeple are not smart enough to calculate their own ‘risk factor’ and so Mindlessly Obey the stupid Diktats of the ‘government’. We will NOT see any end to the random, irrational ‘Lockdowns’ so long as a Majority of sheep and ‘karens’ go along with them.
Until Businesses and Individuals REFUSE to go along with this ‘Scamdemic’ Fearmongering, the government and the rest of the Parasite Class will continue to use Fears of Disease to impose Controls over Everything and Everyone.
Exactly!!! The Death Rates plummet while the Infection Rates Soar. The Chicom Virus is dangerous to older people With underlying conditions.
Trump told everyone what to take if infected, Faust Fauci and the Gates NWO can go to hell where they belong.
Why is anyone still listening to Fauci-Fear monger.