Bread and Circuses Are No Longer Working

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Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago

Beware. Janissaries have been used — successfully — by other regimes to suppress dissident currents in other nations.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

They absolutely will.
Scum politicians will slither and lie about how they bravely defend our democracy (key words there) as they hunt down and shoot heritage americans under government authority.
The 23rd intersectional dildo brigade (props to BCE!), our nation’s first entirely transgendered battle group, will pilot the drones and issue instructions via google-translate as Pedro and his boys roam the backroads in their battery powered gigatrucks.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade
1 year ago

He is a traitor like all the rest in Congress. He had the chance with his buddies to walk out but did nothing. He did not stand for we the people.

1 year ago

As a resource for the Regime’s standing army, these invaders are a poor recruiting pool. They are not literate in english for the most part and they have dubious levels of education. Our SF teams in Afghanistan found out training our “allies” over here that very many could barely count to ten, never mind do any math. Even simple things like “press the red button” were beyond some of them because they did not know the color red even in their own language. The Regime armed forces are overly complex as a rule now, at least the components of the conventional forces arrayed against overseas threats are. It takes a recruit pool of a certain education level to keep high tech forces working. They will not have the time or funds to recruit many of these sickly wrecks, give them shots, and teach them the language and some 8th grade math skills.
The other problem the Regime has with this plan is that most of these people are here for free stuff, not to be Americans or to serve anyone. They certainly did not walk over a thousand miles from South America for a chance to do indentured labor in an army, get shipped back overseas, and risk life and limb over the needs of Israel. The supposedly shiny bait of “American Citizenship” is no motivation at all for someone who is already elevated to a higher status then native American citizens, gets more free entitlements than Americans do, and is immune rom most of our laws.
The real threat is that these invaders will be grouped into a paramilitary/police force like the Tonton Macoute in Haiti. A badge, a gun, regular pay, and a license to kill and loot for a corrupt regime would certainly be much more attractive to them.

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

Mike: It will be interesting when the food shortages kick in…the Mother-Weffers are counting on the Gallic Invaders under Cartel-Chinese control to rape, plunder and establish fiefdoms in collapsing America. Historically they’ll kill as many males as possible leaving our woman for forced marriage and breeding. Rumours abound that Chinese soldiers shopped for perspective spouses on Facebook and Instagram. We truly are in a world of hurt! Good luck to us all! si nobiscum Deus, quis contra nos

1 year ago
Reply to  OPM

Yes, that is how it always worked in history. Another point about these military aged males is that the are most likely already working for someone. It may be gangs, cartels, Hamas, Hezbollah, Venezualian Communists, The Chinese Communists, and on and on. They may find it useful to join a paramilitary police, but they will still be acting as sleepers for their employers or for themselves if they are just robbers bent on personal profit.
Modern police work in the West requires enormous skill. patience, and intelligence on the part of the officers. Look at some of the police video online that involve dealing with dangerous or obnoxious people who have broken the law. 3rd Worlders will not adapt to that kidd gloves approach to law enforcement. There will be a lot of people simply shot dead by cops like this for minor infractions or perceived disrespect. There was already an example of a new Somalian cop in Minnesota who simply shot and killed the woman who called 911 because that is how it works in Somalia. He got a slap on the wrist because, well racism. California and other places who deliberately select this material for their police are making a fatal mistake. Nothing will turn people against central authority faster than having a relative murdered by immigrant cops for jaywalking. This is particularly true in the high crime urban areas inhabited by the usual suspects. They have been conditioned by generations of interaction with professional American cops, and know what they can get away with generally. Large numbers of badged 3rd world thug police of any race who shoot feral urban negros for any offence will certainly get the festivities going.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  mike

Part of the problem for the average American is their inability to grasp how most of the world works. It is said that only 27-30% of Americans travel out of the country. Imagine their horror at the complete lack of value, life has in many venues around the globe. Be very fearful of the animals this administration is allowing into our nation.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

KK: If we ever survive this and reconstitute I hope we make it a requirement that every 18 year old must serve a minimum of 3-years service, with 1-2 years in a foreign country. This does 2 things: 1-Provides an experienced populace in things military…militia, protection etc. 2-provides “real-world” exposure to the World where the individual barely makes $3-4 dollars a day, running water and electricity is a scarcity, reliable food is uncommon…and outside of their home the rest of the world is a shit-hole where everyday is a challenge to survival. Nothing awakens an individual like serving in the military (USMC) being stateside one day and Mogadishu the next!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  mike

They get released from jail after committing heinous violent crimes… Just like the BLM riots, their behavior is tacitly endorsed by the regime, and will continue, as well as escalate, until push back happens. Grok that… Get your head around the fact it’s going to get worse until we start to push back.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 year ago
Reply to  mike

This hits on many of the same issues I’ve raised. Yes, these people being here is a threat in itself. But they are not a readily recruitable, trainable and effective force. Does anyone really think they will sign on and take orders? Some will, if only to gain access to the weapons. But effective military troops need training and loyalty, otherwise they are just a bunch of loose cannons. Govt isn’t getting a pool likely to possess those characteristics with this human debris.

It will also be far easier to return fire on those who are obviously not “us”, your skin is your uniform will be the operating principle if these foreign forces show up in an AO held by legitimate legacy citizens. It would be more difficult to liquidate an enemy who looks and sounds like ones self, and this arrangement will assuage much of reservations one might have on getting the job done.

As already pointed out, what incentive do these invading scum have to sign on with uncle sam? Citizenship? That’s for suckers who get soaked to pay for everything. Most of these people get a far better deal as an illegal, and that’s before they get to setting up their own criminal operations to profit from even further. They are given free reign to do so by the anarchotyrannist government who won’t touch them for theft, assault or even murder. Again, adherence to the law and punishment for failure to do so is for suckers (aka citizens) and even then, only on a clearly selective basis.

Yes, some will be recruited. But on the whole, these imports will prove to be more dangerous as independent operators or gangs, the latter of which are a given with the demographics of those walking in. I figure the notion of making them a replacement army is rather poorly thought out. Many are mere opportunists who will not want to be bothered putting their butts on the line anyway, when they can stay under the radar and work for cash, or profit from crime, while collecting govt handouts (however long those last).

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
1 year ago

What foolish leadership! God help us!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago