BREAKING…Biden will address the nation

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2 years ago

Xao BuyDem wants to know what Zip Code the address is to be given…..

A military that is woke is little more than just a joke…….and the whole world snickers. We are being seen as harmless to our enemies and treacherous to our friends (to paraphrase Bernard Lewis).

Now here is the real issue that we should focus on: Will the USA beat the USSR’s record of lasting a mere 35 months from departure from Absurdistan to its economic and political meltdown?

Anybody want to set up a pool? 

I’ll go Fifty smackers on 30 months… buddy thinks 16 is about right.

2 years ago

Oh, thank the Lord! I was so distraught when I thought I was not going to hear what the Idiot of the Freeworld had to say to ease my mind.