BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!

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Mark Harrison
Mark Harrison
3 years ago

Outstanding! So glad I found this show. You have great people on the show who are great AMERICANS!! Truth ALWAYS is TRUTH!

truth freed
truth freed
3 years ago

We need practical actionable recommendations for how to stop this, we are inundated with these horrific news, need to start finding actionable solutions.

3 years ago
Reply to  truth freed

Look into pine needle tea, Silver Hydrosol, Resveratrol and frequency healing like 528 hz.

3 years ago
Reply to  truth freed

Take ivermectin with your zinc and D3 and you WILL NOT get sick! On Amazon get the book “Ivermectin For the World.” If your Doctor won’t give you a script, get it here:

3 years ago

What about the Novavax vaccine soon to come out????

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

You are better off believing in the 1500 alleged COVID-19 positive samples which several universities PROVED only held influenza A with a few influenza B. ZERO COVID anything waws detected, but be assured many were hurt and some died from the Gates/Fauci/Pirbright/Chapel Hill/Lieber effort to kill everyone on earth so they could have more. Pedophilia, too much CFRtv and junk food does that. Yes, it runs in families. Jealosy of British nobility and all. Queen Elizabeth held a U.S. Patent for corona-SARS hybrids. U.S. Patent # 10,130,701. Fauci has this document in his name now. Apparently things did not go as planned.

3 years ago

Use the word ‘the spike’ instead of ‘the jab’ from now on.

Jimminey Cricket
Jimminey Cricket
3 years ago
Reply to  Emery

Not a good idea… the “jab” contains “Spike” proteins… which is a BIG part of what kills people… best not to confuse the two.

Elizabeth Mueller
Elizabeth Mueller
3 years ago

I have not had the shot, but several of my adult children have been forces into taken the vaccine. Is there any product available to counter act the shot.

Jennifer Yates
Jennifer Yates
3 years ago

Look at a couple of comments above it tells you some things.

3 years ago

I have read that the Dandelion Leaf contains a chemical that prevents the Spike Protein from attaching to the inside walls of your blood vessels and organs. It is when you have a lot of attachments that cause the blood to clot up on them, instead of flowing smoothly through the veins. However, I am not a doctor or scientist, so I do not know if all that is true. Research it on your own so you can make your own decisions.

Sanya Korlaet
Sanya Korlaet
3 years ago

‘If you’ve gotten the jab, consider yourself high risk for COVID and implement a daily prophylaxis protocol. This means optimizing your vitamin D, and taking vitamin C, zinc and a zinc ionophore on a daily basis, at least throughout cold and flu season.’
Full story on strategies to reduce risk in those who received the C jab, on Dr Mercola’s site.

3 years ago

This is interesting. To further prove this claim, what tests can a vaccinated person request in order to see the proof for themselves? Can a patient who has been vaccinated request a blood panel that will show images of blood cells? People need to see how the jab is actually affecting their bodies.

3 years ago

I would like to send you pictures of what is happening to the blood through Live Blood Anslysis

3 years ago
Reply to  Kate

I would like to see those pics.

Tim Sturlo
3 years ago

Thank you for your excellent work. What this makes me wonder is how so many ppl appear to be OK and un-affected by these jabs. Is it possible that a percentage of the shots are saline or some other innocuous substance in order to skew the results at this stage? Can anyone shed light on this?

Last edited 3 years ago by Tim Sturlo
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Sturlo

I wonder the same thing. I know of 1 person who received both shots and approximately a month and a half later she died of a blood clot in the heart… so what she died from goes along with the blood clot scenario .. but this person was 92 and had an existing heart condition… I heard they were recommending people 85 or older to NOT get the shots. But I know for a fact that this person did get them. I can’t help but think that some of those vaccine vials only contain saline supposedly because they didn’t want people dropping like flies….. I believe wholeheartedly that Trump and his wife and son did not take these shots. I mean they ALL had Covid so why get the vaccine? They have the best immunities possible the “natural” immunities…… so I’m still waiting to see how it all shakes out..

Jimminey Cricket
Jimminey Cricket
3 years ago
Reply to  Rio

I HOPE the Trump family did NOT get the “vaccine”… Trump and maybe DeSantis are the only two that might save the country… JMHO.

3 years ago

Of course they didn’t get the ‘vaccine.’ You see, Trump knows what is going on and he’s playing his role. Covid19 is fake, and those at the top are well aware. This is a psychological operation. There’s no virus, therefore there cannot be a ‘vaccine.’
As far as all these vaccine deaths, it’s just like the covid deaths -- only really seems to exist on the screen / social media. Both sides are being played like a fiddle. The blue team is terrified of the fake virus, while the red team is terrified of the fake vaccine. The split is too perfect to be organic. This is a show, and the only correct play is not to play at all.
Just so we’re on the same page, Trump is not going to save anyone. Trump is intentionally causing chaos. What they need for the 4th industrial revolution is for people to get so angry that they tear the whole thing down for the ‘controllers’ at the top. You see, they have to convince you to do everything. All of this is voluntary.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Interesting opinion. What makes the sources of information that you’re getting your news from more valid or truthful than the mainstream media?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Mainstream media and newspapers are owned by 6 people that get there news talking points from the CIA. Research mockingbird media. They are brainwashing the public with LIES.

Covid vaccine was created well before trump being in office. 2010 they started planning for this. There are patents for these vaccines before 2016. This entire plandemic was outlined with project lockstep on the Rockefeller site. The glowing effect in the blood cells is called luciferase. So they can track you.
Go on duckduckgo and research it. Or search on bitchute or rumble.

There is a reason news isn’t reporting, there is a reason facebook,Twitter, youtube , google deleting all this information.

America’s front line doctors is sueing CDC.

Fauci is on the board of directors of these drug companies.

Doesn’t this all seem odd. Search for agenda2030. At some point we need to all unite.

The masks, pcr swabs & vax all have graphine oxide. This strain of covid has detrimental effects for those deficient in vitamin D, & zinc. Hydroquinone will stop the cytocome storm that causes low oxygenation in blood not ventilators.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Different sources said the vaccine came before afterwards they looked for an opportunity to use vaccines

3 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Because this whole scenario does not make any sense!
Cant you feel that is B.S ……

3 years ago
Reply to  Dane

The deaths are real. Covid is real. I personally know many who had it, some were hospitalized, and a couple of my friends parents died from it. So, it doesn’t do any good saying it’s not ‘real’ just because it might not have affected you yet personally.
But, that doesn’t mean that the vaccine is safe or the answer.

July Hunter
July Hunter
3 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

Also, the paper trail of the “73 PATENTS” are real, and should help put a noose around many necks. If and only if there is any truth and justice left in today’s court systems. What we need is a NUREMBERG 2 so we can find out !!!!!

Elizabeth Schneider
3 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

Not ALL the deaths are real! There was MANY that were labeled as ‘covid’ when the death was something else! It was to keep the fear going for the shutdowns masks mandates etc etc which leads us to where we are NOW, the jabs!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Not “voluntary” for much longer. Bidens canvassers will soon identify who got what, and they will come back with more coercive methods soon. Stick around, you will see.

3 years ago
Reply to  LargeNuggets

Are you seriously insinuating we need to surrender our arm when sleepy Joe sends his people around. I would sooner die than take the jab. There is no way a person will come to my door and jab anything in my arm: I know people who have had COVID, family members, a nurse is one and she did lose her sense of taste and smell for a few weeks. She is not getting this Jab. It sounds to me like you have the shot so in some way you want us to stand by for the Biden brigade::NOPE!!!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Try to get 5he vaccine do you know whether is true or a fake. People that had the holes will not have easy life. If you ask people working in the ho pital they we I’ll tell you how m as by strange death they are looking at

Kim Kernohan
Kim Kernohan
3 years ago

Trump is one of the main figures that pushed the miracle shot -- he is controlled opposition. .

Joanie Baloney
Joanie Baloney
3 years ago
Reply to  Kim Kernohan

Trump said the vaccine was going to be voluntary. I don’t think it’s accurate to say he pushed it. He helped get it approved. Remember, many people want the vaccine. Pharma hates Trump and withheld the release until 1 week after the election.

3 years ago
Reply to  Joanie Baloney

He should of never helped get it appproved in the first place ! I liked Trump but I’m very disappointed in him. He had a chance to drain the swamp and he new the election was stolen but didn’t do a damn thing about it. Obama fired all the Patriot brass in the military and replaced them with communist -- Trump could of reversed that. Now by his inaction no matter what the cost to him has put the whole world in danger of extinction. It was his duty and job to go down in flames fighting to his last breath to fight evil !

3 years ago
Reply to  kim

My sediments perzactly !!!

3 years ago
Reply to  kim

I don’t think Trump got any responsabilità in the approval of genyc therapy

3 years ago
Reply to  kim

Who knows. Potty he was the only powerful American guy which was not involved in the NWO but probably they vostra in him to abandon the white house

3 years ago
Reply to  kim

I think Trump was, in some ways, captive to the CEO mentality: that there might be a few bad apples but most want the best for the organization -- and thus would go along with the new leadership.
My two cents…

Dawn Marie Vallely RN
Dawn Marie Vallely RN
3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Rio

Need time. But nothing good for those that got the ones not delimited or other of course placebo doesn’t damage anyonr

Jennifer Yates
Jennifer Yates
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Sturlo
July Hunter
July Hunter
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Sturlo

Yes, I have heard that “saline shot” possibility before. Then those who got the saline can go and tell everyone “Look, I got the JAB and there is nothing wrong with me. No side effects and I feel fine. It is perfectly safe, so go and get yours”.

3 years ago
Reply to  July Hunter

That’s an idea but I believe because they don want people get shocked of so many deaths and their plan of reducing population fail

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Sturlo

I read that a good deal are innocuous substances some are delimited atb25% some at 50% others nor diluite. Mostly they give them random on the basys of fo not g e t over 20% of deaths.


[…] Filed under: Uncategorized — mothman777 @ 3:22 am BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings! […]

3 years ago

Interesting. I would be interested to see live blood cell smears. I would also be interested to see blood cell smears from the same patients at various times eg before the vaccine and weekly or monthly after ethe vaccine


[…] BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings! […]

3 years ago

Thank you. I’m telling everyone.

3 years ago

I will never be injected by a vaccine that was created by a tech. Company or a company involved with baby powder that causes cancer! We have enough on our plates trying to stay alive and healthy while idiots are modifying our weather, dumping nuclear waste in our oceans, food shortages showing up on Walmart shelves etc.

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan


3 years ago
Reply to  Susan

Now J&J is saying they are going to declare bankruptcy due to the talcum powder class action lawsuits. I think it is to escape litigation for their deadly half-assed blood clotting vaccine.


[…] imunitná odpoveď na očkovanie (spomínané tu) spolu so zhlukovaním červených krviniek (spomínané tu) majú za následok tvorbu krvných zrazenín vo vnútri vlásočníc a v hlavných cievach (často […]


[…] imunitná odpoveď na očkovanie (spomínané tu) spolu so zhlukovaním červených krviniek (spomínané tu) majú za následok tvorbu krvných zrazenín vo vnútri vlásočníc a v hlavných cievach (často […]

3 years ago

Do intense research on vitamin C with authentic folate (not artificial folate). Combine those two together. You will see what happens.There are research papers on this how it works. You know, folate deficiency is the main reason why people are getting viruses very quickly than others and why these jabs seem to do more damage quicker than others. People are so accustomed to eating processed foods which they carry little to none folate in them.
Think about it.
Question yourself: What ingredient can cause your bone marrow to create more red and white blood cells? Natural folate comes from vegetables enriched in it. Also, red blood cells carry oxygen for your lungs, and helps expel carbon dioxide, right? If you take folate, you are creating a more breathable environment for your lungs because folate creates red and white blood cells in your body. The white blood cells, are hypersensitized by the new creation which came from vitamin c (ascorbic acid) support. In the deep underlying conversion level, the serum rate in your blood increases and so does the conversion levels. If your blood is invaded by a virus, with this newfound conversion level rate, your antibodies are produced quicker to combat whatever virus there is. The more faster your antibodies are produced, the more quicker the virus is destroyed. If you have a high cellular conversion rate in your body, you will never get sick. Ever.. because the more higher your conversion rate is, it outruns the conversion rate of a virus, because viruses are set at a default speed to invade cells.
This is a disclaimer:
I am only providing information that I believe, will help those who are sick. Keep in mind, I stand by my rights to free speech. Thank You.

Last edited 3 years ago by jake
just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  jake

Lentils, Black beans, and chickpeas (garbanzo beans) all have 100% DV in 1/2 cup

Trudie Harris
Trudie Harris
3 years ago

I want to share this and other articles on Facebook, but can’t. Can you make this so I can share?

3 years ago
Reply to  Trudie Harris

just copy the full url to this page out of your web browser ( ) and paste it into a new FB post -- you don’t need any special “share” button to do that. if FB won’t display it, then that’s FB engaging in censorship and not much you can do about that unless you want to jump through a few extra hoops -- such as: make an image with the text of url displaying on it, upload the image it to Imgur and then post the link to the Imgur image on FB. that’s one way to direct people to websites that FB blocks automatically. However if the human FB censors see it, don’t be surprised if they put your account in “FB jail” for a little while over it 🙂

3 years ago

Chemotherapy is murder with a 98% failure rate worth billions, yet over 400 natural cures for cancer have been suppressed by big pharma. Ritalin is child abuse and a vaccine is an assault with a deadly weapon that spread disease and are designed to cull the population. Watch the documentary “The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 14” on Bitchute.
Alternatively use a natural medicine doctor a naturopath ND. Under the German constitution the German people are allowed to see naturopaths.

Harold Saive
Harold Saive
3 years ago

The CDC Flu statistics have disappeared completely and ended up being relabeled as coronavirus statistics. No matter how or why people have succumbed, the death certificates read coronavirus with physicians and scientists getting very concerned and angry.

3 years ago

Just wondering if other doctors concur and are also being censored

HEART Publications
HEART Publications
3 years ago

Have just watched the long version -- 2 hours -- of Dr van Welbergen talking to a S African channel -- and he shows the same slides as Dr Ruby but said all his patients had had the Pfizer or AstraZeneca jabs, NOT Moderna -- which has only just come to the UK.

3 years ago

Is there anything we can do legally not to take the shot as a medical physician?

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Private practice

3 years ago

IGF-1 is the reason I had a brain tumor on my pituitary gland. They pump food with it, mainly dairy. I loved milk too much and developed a huge functioning tumor with Acromegaly. I wouldn’t recommend this condition (much similar to any of the poison jabs) to anyone, including my enemies.

3 years ago

Check out Dr. David E. Matin’s investigations

Dan Milner, MD, MSc, MBA
Dan Milner, MD, MSc, MBA
3 years ago

The images shown in this video are NOT of a peripheral blood smear. They are of wet preps of blood on confocal microscopy which is not a standard clinical method for evaluating blood. Moreover, what is shown as “abnormal” are actually known artifacts that occur when someone who is inept at making wet preps mishandles the samples in preparation. For example, the spiky looking, shrunken cells are undergoing crenation which occurs when the solution is hypertonic (too salty) in the preparation. The columns of cells stuck together is known as rouleaux formation which, in a normal peripheral blood smear (which this is not), may indicate a range of disease states; however, in a wet prep, it can be an artifact of the solution used to make the preparation. If you’d like to understand laboratory tests and how they work, you should ask a certified clinical laboratory scientist or pathologist physician.