For the first time since Joe Biden and General Milley withdrew all US forces from Bagram Air Base and left the Taliban with billions in US military weapons, the lights at Bagram were turned on last night.
This is only one of the consequences of allowing the Chinese Communist Party to steal our 2020 elections with the help of both political parties. The penalty for treason is death. But that only happens when justice is allowed to be carried out. As we see the list of political prisoners grow, we sit back and watch the continued destruction of our Republic, military, borders, culture and healthcare.
David DeGerolamo
You knew this would happen, taking just a month, and thats being generous since my money is on them being there within a few weeks, although maybe a bit more quiet about it. Now they are simply sticking it in our faces because they know we are no threat. After all the treasonous bastard Milley has them on speed dial.
Ah, the Chinese are going there to reverse engineer all that US military hardware. Thanks to joe dip shit biden