Breaking War? – US-Russian marines set up bridgehead in E. Libya for campaign against ISIS

President Barack Obama resolved earlier this month, much to the surprise of Washington insiders, to open a third anti-terror front in Libya to eradicate the Islamic Front’s tightening grip on the country

This top-secret decision was first revealed by DEBKA Weekly 692 on Jan. 1.

While collaborating with Russia in the Syrian arena, and with the Iranians and the Iraqi army and Sunnis in Iraq, Obama took his close aides by surprise by another decision – to lead the Libya campaign again in conjunction with Russia, as well as with concerned Western Europe allies.
The first step in this campaign took place this weekend: A group of US, Russian, French and Italian Special Forces quietly landed at a point south of Tobruk near the Libyan-Egyptian frontier. Standing by after preparing the ground were some 1,000 British SAS troops.

The landing area is located some 144 kilometers from Darnah, the main bastion of extremist Libyan Islamic groups linked to Al Qaeda or ISIS, of which the ultra-violent Ansar al Sharia is the most powerful.


The other side:

Libyan Army Denies Reports of US, Russian, UK Military Deployment

Libyan security sources told the Arabic Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper earlier that scores of US, British and Russian troops have arrived south of Tobruk, Libya, on a “reconnaissance mission to advise the national army.”

“Only the Libyan army carries out the support of the unity government,” the press service said, noting that “all eastern regions and all [entrance] gates are protected from militant forces.”



If true, is this an undeclared war or another kinetic action? The US and Russia fighting alongside each other and no media coverage in the US?

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
9 years ago

Wag the dog? I wonder how gk feels about this unconstitutional act.

9 years ago

Forming a New Government -- Using the ISIS Threat to Build the U.S. Russia Partnership..

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Liked the video Rich.

9 years ago

says it all…….

how closely are these politicians working with the Chinese Communists too!!

9 years ago

As you might guess, I’m not a fan of John Birchers. But I agree the U.S. helped create ISIS which is a radical right-wing terrorist organization that claims to be Islamic. I think government and military coordination between countries to eliminate ISIS and other terrorist threats is reasonable if limited, because, one may argue, they present an imminent threat. But there are legitimate questions with regard to the War Powers Clause of the Constitution and also the War Powers Act and War Powers Resolution. I think modern presidents have abused their power in this area. My two cents, from a self-proclaimed liberal (which I know is a dirty word here).

Tom Angle
9 years ago

So the government created a terrorist army so that it can fight it. I am not sure how to say this, but how is that reasonable without trying all (and I mean every last one) of those involved with treason.

Just out of curiosity, how is isis not following islam?

9 years ago

It’s probably impossible to prove the U.S. helped create ISIS, but I think we played a big role. However, I don’t think people intended to create that monster. Regardless, they exist, and they’re ruthless. I don’t know if we should argue about Islam, but I believe that although the Koran has violent stuff in it, probably more than the Bible, the vast majority of Muslims do not ascribe to ISIS’s interpretation of the Koran. This is similar to how the vast majority of Buddhists don’t ascribe to the interpretation of Buddhism that Buddhist terrorists do. And there are and have been, throughout history, radical, right-wing Buddhist terrorists. They’re not all navel-gazing peaceniks. And there are and have been radical, right-wing Christian terrorists including the Ku Klux Klan, who claimed to be Christian, but they were denounced by almost every Christian denomination (and the Klan is still around).

Tom Angle
9 years ago

So I asked once again, how is isis not following Islam?