
You’re on your effing own. Suture self.

Why stop at one peak, in NYFC, when you can have 49 more, or 100?

30K dead?
Let’s go for double or triple that amount.
‘Murica! #Yes We Can!

By the by, China tried to claim they were “over” this too, a couple of weeks back.
So when they opened up the bridge from Wuhan to Jiang Xi, the locals from Jiang Xi (In China, mind, not in Maine or Idaho) marched out, flipped over the police cars on the connecting bridge, and set them on fire.

Shock of shocks, China’s now admitting things are out of control there again.

Go ahead, learn the lessons the hard way. Grab the hot stove with both hands.

“As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”  

– Rudyard Kipling, The Gods Of the Copybook Headings


It appears we don’t have a good solution to this problem. Economy is toast. People will die.

What to do?

Dark Days Ahead.

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Bone Fish
4 years ago

When anything goes, don’t expect people to do the right thing, or even know what it is. All that’s left is the law of gravity now.

They can’t block travel forever. Everyone will either build antibodies or die from this and every other bug that comes along.

My God bless you and yours.

Ima Coward
Ima Coward
4 years ago


4 years ago

Once again Aesop Calls it with unadulterated truth. I get it. You’re pissed that you were told you couldn’t go to church on Easter. So what, it isn’t going to change whether or not you’re going to hell. I get that your tired of trying to home school your children. I get that you don’t like being on unemployment. The list goes on, I get it.

I also get that there has been overreach and abuse by overzealous cops. Guess what, they should have been dealt with right then, right there by the community. Our gentle readers get my point, I won’t “red flag” this site with further details, but unless we stop that shit cold it will only multiply.

All that being said, look around you folks. Look hard, beyond your local community where this sucker is spreading, all be it still slowly. Pay attention to what the boots in the ground are telling you. Listen to what your friends who’ve gotten this are saying. Pay attention to the non political bloggers who’ve, like you, been preparing for this shit. Look at the damned data. Pay attention to those like Chris Martenson who’ve been tracking this for almost 3 months and say, “IT DIDN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY”.

Stop sucking down the happy gas. Nobody is coming to save you. Hopefully you are prepared, continue to tip off your supplies as you can. Connect with others of like mind. Do what you can.

The US is doing it all wrong. Look at how Japan, S, Korea and even freaking China are seeing this damned honey badger coming back with a vengeance.

lon haney
lon haney
4 years ago

Crazy town is it not? Were we not told we would be all getting this? There will be no stopping this.
Are we to hide while our “saviors” find a cure? Are we to pray for this miraculous vaccine from Bill gates and friends?
Mitigating for the sake of not over running the hospital is one thing, but to be forced to follow complete nonsensical tyrants is quite another!
Life is to short to Worship these fools!
Sunny posted this: How can you not see that we are being played?
Do you honestly think this is all a giant coincidence?
What in the world is actually going on? Document reveals plans, step by step.
229,165 views•Apr 16, 2020

4 years ago

People die everyday. It’s called life.

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago

“So take the claimed fatality rate and divide by FIFTY TO EIGHTY-FIVE.

Still scared?

Still hiding under your desk?

Still willing to “shelter in place”?

Still screaming that anyone not wearing a mask, not hiding in their house and cowering in fear are a bunch of nuts who want to kill your mother, father, sister or brother — or you?

Still willing to not open your business?

Still willing to believe the bullcrap out of Trump, Fauxci, Birx along with mayors and governors — that is now known to be a lie?” -- Read the whole Ticker!