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- Hammers Thor on Western North Carolina Will Not Forget
- wv citybilly on Will the Police Be Arrested?
- Magrit on What a Waste of Our Government
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Is This Treason?
- TakeAHardLook on Will the Police Be Arrested?
I thought the definition of a riot was ‘out of control’. Silly me.
DammitBooy! You got here ahead of me..
Not much more exciting than the aftermath of a hotly contested football match.
England where they have disarmed the people right down to garden tools and long knives. Never comply with any measure that disarms you, too late for the Brits.
Screw there laws when they try to disarm you, that’s what this bunch of manure, Biden, cocaine head Harris and obama have been trying to do. they want us to be like the western nations in Europe to disarm the citizens, and now look what has happened to them. our home-grown political whores in government can go screw themselves as well, we will never disarm under any laws thy pass, we need to protect ourselves from them when the time comes.
The police will be arresting White British citizens in 3….2….1…..
Yes TakeaHardlook your right Police always work for the Government and really not for the people. To keep there jobs just like the police did in Nazi Germany.They need to honor there oath of office to we the people !
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
White boy summer!!!! LOL! I love the meme “when whites chimp out” with the legions of soldiers in Berlin…. These people have no idea what they’re unleashing. I guess that’s what an IQ of 80 gets you.
My advice to the people of Britain rise the f_ck up! Two words… “molotov cocktails” Your enemies have names and addresses--use this. Improvise weapons. Do not protest without improvised weapons at hand. Spiked cricket bats come to mind. Overwhelm and raid armories and police weapons stocks. Organize a mass color revolution on London this summer--and drive out the politicians and those responsible for the invaders coming to you lands. You land has had several civil wars in the past and the time is due for another one to seize back your rights. And a special message to the men of Ireland--your forefathers fought the British for your independence. And now your government is giving away your birthrights to foreign invaders. It’s time to rise up once again in the Spirit of Michael Collins. I suggest you read his very instructive book on how to deal with traitors and invaders… “The Squad” --again your enemies there have names and addresses.
Accountability list! The traitor have homes, wives, children, grandchildren. Don’t engage in street theater. Work your accountability list.
This is the way.
Local Local Local, get it?
“V” for vendetta comes to mind.
I think they’re way past “V for vendetta” at this stage.
This is why you NEVER give up your guns. Coming soon to a city near you. These ‘voting rights’ riots are just the start. The simple fact is we’re going to have to start killing lots and lots of people before this nonsense stops. You have to grok that.
I saw where British and Irish Nationalists joined together in Belfast. Nothing like a foreign invader to bring folks together.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”JFK 1962
British police going door to door in Sunderland arresting people involved in anti-immigration protests -- American Partisan
..2….1….0 !
It is headed our way shortly.
Using facial recognition.
Remember your vaxxx masks when having festivities out in public folks!
You bet Joe Blow.
Can you really trust those who enforce fake laws against your Bill of Rights ?
I Reckon Not !