Language Warning: British TV newsman loses it during story on diversity & Little House on the Prairie, hilarious

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Ex Bootneck
Ex Bootneck
4 years ago

Actually; the bloke in question is Jonathon Pie, a stand up English comic who tells it like it is.
Politically correct (he definitely is not), as can be seen if you view his YouTube clips.
A brilliant chap who passes himself off as a disillusioned news reporter. Also search for some of his gigs online, they cut to the bone on a variety of topics.
Yours Aye
Ex Bootneck

4 years ago

Hilarious but spot on.

4 years ago

Tell it

John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

Yea, that pretty much covers it!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

4 years ago

This is one Brit that needs to move to The United States. God bless this man. We need more people like this around. Move over here please and run for the Senate

Skip M
Skip M
4 years ago

I think we should grant this guy honorary U.S. citizenship.

3 years ago
Reply to  Skip M

We don’t need to grant him honorary US citizenship. Turns out, he only needs to fly into Mexico and walk across the border into the USA and claim asylum. Then he will be released into our country (along with a payment of $1,100-yes, he would receive more than US taxpayers got in this latest covid relief bill) and then receive US citizen voter rights along with the rest of the illegal… I mean…undocumented workers. Welcome to America!