Building Community: Part 1

I suppose I wanted to believe that there was a chance of pulling the United States back together under a Trump administration. That spark never had a chance as both parties put personal power over the people. Whatever flashpoint ignites a series of events leading to a world war and economic collapse, we must resign ourselves to some simple truths:

  1. The people have no control over what world leaders decide. Don’t waste time dwelling on how “you” can change it.
  2. The longer the inevitable is put off, the worse the consequences will be. We should have had the economic reset ten years ago at the end of the Bush administration.
  3. The steps that people who are for preparing for the future to protect their kith and kin are not adequate. Most people are suffering normalcy bias and they will devolve to a base survival mode. They will justify their actions in order to survive; they will not become the moral foundation necessary to build a new Republic.
  4. Our biggest enemy is our neighbor who has put their faith in the state instead of the Lord.
  5. The Lord is in control and He will punish both people and countries for their transgressions. We also know that He is merciful and has a plan.

The simplest truth to surviving in the future is to have Faith. Faith brings hope and allows us to understand that rebuilding a moral society is the key to our children’s future. The foundation of rebuilding is also simple: community. Brandon Smith has written a primer on this topic for your consideration below.

David DeGerolamo

Rules And Dangers When Organizing Security And Survival Groups

For many years I have argued that the single most important preparation any person can make if they are concerned about future social or economic instability is the preparation of community building. It is the one thing that everyone needs for survival, and unfortunately, it is the one thing even many preparedness “experts” ignore.

When I talk about “community,” I am talking about groups in many forms. Sometimes a community is merely a small collection of families or neighbors; sometimes it is an entire town or county. Sometimes it is built around a local church, sometimes it is rooted in an already functioning political activism meet-up. Regardless of the size of your community, the people who are organized within a group for mutual aid, defense and trade are light years ahead of everyone else when it comes to survival. In fact, if a national crisis scenario escalates to the point of the disappearance of the rule of law, I would say that those without community will scramble to find one or probably die.


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7 years ago

Before i read this post , i was led to this verse.
I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Never the less when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?
That is an amazing question! Are we preparing spiritualy? This is the single most important preparation
Faith in men or our Master?
Do we love this world? Do we love our lives?