by John Mosby

get asked a lot, both in training environments and via email, “John, I understand the importance of tribe, but how do I go about finding like-minded people to form a group? Should I join a group that already exists?” It’s a popular question in survivalist-prepper circles because it’s such a hard topic to consider.

Let’s think about this: It’s got to be people you can trust to not steal your belongings, to watch your back while you sleep or work, to not turn you in to the police or DHS as a “crazy, gun-nut prepper,” and finally, to not kill you when your back is turned. Yet, they also need to be interested in prepping so that significantly begins narrowing down the playing field, and let’s face it – there are a lot of preppers who seem to be running more than a few bricks shy of a load. Do you want the crazy dude that fantasizes about killing people to be pulling security while you sleep?  How do you know the socially inept, hermit-like prepper down the river isn’t a pedophile or rapist?

I am going to offer a simple, but admittedly challenging, process to building a tribe-like group of people for protection and mutual aid in times of discord.


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