Bullet Proof Vest?


If you notice the title, I had reservations concerning a bullet to Trump’s torso. First, the hole was too large for a 223 or 556. Second, I saw no reaction from Trump in the videos if he had been hit. Third, while a green tip might have penetrated body armor, a bullet stopped by body armor would have had consequences; I doubt he would have been able to stand up, do a fist in the air and lead a cheer to fight.

Zerohedge and Glenn Beck posted this picture and some of the comments are antagonistic, stupid or attacking the post.

The information coming continues to come out and can be used to generate intelligence for your personal responses. I would like for everyone to consider what the media is overlooking that is still important:

  1. BRICS
  2. Israel
  3. Houthis/Iran
  4. Ukraine
  5. North Korea
  6. China
  7. Deep State propaganda and voting fraud
  8. Stock market
  9. Bank closures (especially Japan and China)
  10. Gold and Silver

Trust in the Lord, pray for guidance and listen to His response.

David DeGerolamo

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
6 months ago

Look like a photoshop attempt to me.

Last edited 6 months ago by Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
6 months ago

Wow! Pray for the Lord’s watchful care to continue to protect this wonderful champion of America !
My guess is that at next week’s RNC Convention in Minnesota, the good ole boys will be knocking Libtards into the next county.
And Trump campaign will receive another $300 million in donations in 48 hours !

tom finley
tom finley
6 months ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

America the Brutal As has been stated numerous times, you cannot vote your way out of tyranny. I voted for President Trump twice, he made mistakes for sure, but the country was a lot better off under his Presidency. This attempt to kill him was brought about by the obiden regime and their propaganda arm msm.

6 months ago

It’s an inside job for sure

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
6 months ago
Reply to  Magrit

There’s that term “inside job” again. I love when I hear 9/11 was an inside job. What does that tell us? Who was inside? All the term did is cover for Israhell. I seems to me that the term “inside job” covers for who doesn’t get named.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago

One round definitely grazed Trump’s cheek and clipped his ear. Reports now that an AR rifle has been recovered. My assumptions that a 22 magnum semi-auto was used was not that far off. Shooter was taken out by a secret service counter sniper very quickly. The fact that there was no LEO presence atop ALL THE BUILDINGS surrounding the venue is a major screw-up. Heads are going to roll on this one;.\

Thankfully the screw-head with the rifle did not know how to zero his scope properly for more than a 100 yard shot. Most likely some leftist kook who spent a few hours at a local range. Look for the pre-crafted “legend” (TDS backstory, manifesto/s, etc.) soon to be released about the gunman.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago

Take one in the vest? If you look at the video when they initially pull Trump to his feet, you will see that the Secret Service had Trump’s shirt open, revealing a white ballistic vest. Then he is surrounded--and they button up his shirt then led him away. So possibly he took one in the vest--or it went though his coat without striking him.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago

Shooter identified…. ANTIFA MEMBER….

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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago

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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago

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6 months ago

The BIG question to me is this: how in the hell was the shooter able to climb up on a roof in broad daylight, get into shooting position, and take multiple shots at President Trump from less than 200 yards away, without ever being spotted by by elite Secret Service agents and local cops crawling all over the damned place? Are they really that incompetent? That, dear friends, is just doesn’t seem credible or possible to me.
Who planned this assassination attempt? Who gave it the green light?

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
6 months ago
Reply to  strider777

Precisely--who? Standard procedure by the Secret Service is to have an LEO presence atop all buildings (not necessarily Secret Service agents) around a president or in this case, ex-president Trump… especially campaigning. The fact that this ANTIFA kook gets within a few hundred yards somehow with a rifle is mind-boggling. Let alone get atop a building and get off a few rounds--is again totally mind bogging. There are multiple security rings around a high-value personage like Trump… including multiple counter sniper teams constantly scanning hiding places and likely loop holes for a shooter to lurk. How he was not spotted crawling across a rooftop with a rifle is beyond me. A close witness claims that the counter snipers blew the shooters head off once detected (looks like with AR10’s). Now wait, it won’t be long until the “lone gunman” song is again sung--along with a carefully constructed “legend” (by you know who) for this ANTIFA clown.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
6 months ago

152 yards. At least one attempt to alert LE to suspicious individual in camo with long object.

6 months ago

One report claims it was an AXSR…6.5 Creedmore…??? If so, you know.

6 months ago
Reply to  towasi

The above is clearly false/BS…damn sloppy knee-jerk “reporting.” new video shows a scary black rifle and the audio clearly indicates buffer tube sounds.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
6 months ago

There was a man claiming to be a prophet that I watched on youtube about 3-4 months ago. And of course there is a plethora of such people. But this man predicted the assassination attempt on Trump even the fact of the bullet would injure his right ear! He has also predicted Trump winning the election and the elites pulling the plug on the economy afterward (Dec. 2024) in order to cripple his Presidency. I’ve never put my trust in self proclaimed prophets but if Trump wins as predicted, I’m battening down all hatches and rigging for a severe storm, so to speak. His name is Brandon, his channel is Last Days.

Doc B
Doc B
6 months ago

In 2004 I took a hit in the plate in Iraq. It’s like getting hit in the chest with a flat shovel. There is no way he would still be standing.