We are currently on lockdown. Today has been another day of physical abuse and violence toward us in here. This time Lt. Lancaster shoved Ronald McAbee and then maced him in the face for only attempting to get his morning meds at roughly 11:45 am from the nurse without wearing a mask.
Tell Deputy McAbee that he will be able to vote his way out of being a political prisoner. Where are our “elected leaders”? Why are the Republicans accusing people who entered the Capitol of being insurrectionists instead of demanding justice? Once again: the Republic was overthrown and we have no rule of law.
We will not forget these evil acts. I pray to our Lord that justice will be served but each day it seems that vengeance will replace justice.
David DeGerolamo
This is what fully shows where we are and what America has become. Those people never should of even been charged. This is truly the type of $hit that takes place in say China, Cuba, North Korea or Russia. How can all of us just sit back and allow this garbage? This govt and administration is beyond criminal and corrupt.
Does anyone imagine that its an accident that the J6 gulag guards “can’t see past their politics”? I sure don’t.
So where does the Lt. Lancaster live?
We need to start printing and posting wanted posters for these clowns. By looking at the staff, one would assume they are racists.
I worked in DC in 1983-84. It was a corrupt kleptocracy of Black Waacists in DC Gov. back then. No place for a white deputy sheriff from TN. for sure. Only the White Federale Polezi can be immune to the local DC polezi thugs. It’s a viper pit for sure, especially with the DoInJustus and FIB running the 1/6 Pogrom.
I don’t know what can get these people justice. They sentenced & locked up a 60+ yr old woman for over a year for tresspassing. At least she got a “Trial”, and pled guilty to avoid a Long Sentence.
DC can burn to the ground and I wouldn’t even spit to save them.
This belongs to Pelosi. It is her nightmare created for her pleasure so that she can have “leverage” when she needs it. Let any of this sink in. LOE also owns this as they have done nothing to try to intervene as regards professionalism or union standards of acceptable behavior. Our Congress, nor the US Senate has done anything to alleviate this political abuse of innocent men and women. It is nothing for a few politicians to show up and be appalled, hold a few press conferences and then leave. These prisoners are living with being physically maimed, or death on an hourly basis and time is not to their advantage. What can we do? Scream everywhere there is an audience, put signs on your cars, call into talk shows and recall these events, go to election rallies and shout it out. Don’t let this issue become silent! We will all be in the same situation unless we speak up loudly now…until all hope is gone, really gone. Go vote; not because it works but as an act of righteous protest. There is no going back. God’s people must push forward with everything in us. We must push speaking a righteous world into existence saying, “Our God is mightier than any jail. Our faith will never be supplanted by evil. America is and will always be a blood covenant nation with the Living God and he will never abandon us when we call out to Him with praise and repentance.” On the lives of these prisoners, we must settle it within ourselves to go forward toward a future of Freedom based upon our love of God, family and country. Don’t whine. Don’t despair. Don’t accept that their “Dark Winter” and slavery are inevitable because you cannot sing the Song of Freedom and the Song of Death, simultaneously. Most importantly don’t allow the evil rhetoric of tyranny’s inevitability to even be repeated within earshot as it is designed to demoralize and destroy you. Spit it out and stand up!
The more I read about the abuse of these prisoners, the more I’m reminded of the Pinochet regime in Chile. There’s a wonderful book called “Torture and Eucharist: Theology, Politics and the Body of Christ” by William Kavanaugh. The book’s primary focus is on the reaction of the Roman Catholic Church in Chile to the military junta, but the first part of the book was on the development and purpose of torture in the regime. It pointed out that there were two main purposes to the torture.
The first was to establish and define the relationship of the regime to the people — that the people were helpless, resistance was futile, and that the very basic intellectual makeup of the victim was at the whim of the state. It is simiar to Orwell’s point.
The second pont, though, is more telling. When Pinochet first took office, he was generally well-liked and supported. However, there simply wasn’t sufficient support among the populace for some of the more dictatorial policies he wanted to put in place. In order to get the authority to do these things, he had to create a crisis and an internal enemy that would justify it. But… it wasn’t enough to *claim* that the enemy existed, he had to demonstrate it.
The only way he could demonstrate it was to *create* that opposition, and the way to do that was to engage in torture. For every person who “disappeared” he created a family that hated him. For every person who was broken and sent back home a shell of a human being, there was a son or wife or mother or husband who became an embittered and desperate enemy. The purpose of the torture was to create the insurgency that it claimed to be necessary to fight.
I can’t help but wonder if that isn’t what’s happening here. The treatment of these prisoners is beyond the pale. That’s bad enough. But by persecuting these thousand or so people, the Biden regime is *creating* a thousand cells of families, friends, and associates who see what is happening and who will be more open to a real insurgency.
The Biden regime, like the Pinochet regime, may be purposefully creating exactly the opposition it needs to impose a tyranny.
This type of bullying violence against a prisoner, in particular as relates to a medical matter is concerning also for the bad example it sets for the attending nurse, which is applicable to doctors and and other medical support staff as well. This is in part, what leads to the militarization of medical and their support personnel, such as patients being held down during Covid and forced to have a PCR test for instance, that went so far up the nasal cavity it broke the blood-brain barrier. Soon, medical personnel and according employees will work alongside the military and national guard, etc., in hospitals and other medical facilities in administering their mandates.
Z-La normally I ignore your nonsense, but I am curious.
“Broke the blood brain barrier” doing a PCR test? Did they use a swab OR a Mallet and Wooden Stake? Did you WITNESS this or repeating someone else’s BS? There is these little things like nasal BONES and such between the nasal cavities and brain.
I’ve helped dig out 22 long rifle bullets out of the nasal bones (the patient survived the shooting), so I STRONGLY doubt a PCR swab would get through.
There are enough bad things going on that we don’t need nonsense like your posting.
There are numerous articles online about this type of injury during Covid-19; as to whether there’s a discrepancy with the term ‘nasal swab’ versus nasopharyngeal swab, that’s a possibility as to what people may be referring to it as. One woman’s story I had read in a comment section on YouTube was about her being held down for the invasive PCR test. Maybe the medical personnel were scared that she would move, but she also was protesting.
“Covid-19 Nasal Swab Test Led To Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak”
“Many who’ve had a nasal Covid-19 test performed on themselves have described it as feeling like that swab got as far back as their brains. If done correctly, the swab is angled parallel to the floor, all the way to the back of the nose, and the swab is rubbed on an area called the nasopharynx. The actual term is a nasopharyngeal swab, not nasal swab, because it’s the nasopharynx that contains the highest possible viral load to best determine an active Covid-19 infection. The distance from the average nasal tip to the nasopharynx is close to 6 inches.”
“But many photographs of Covid-19 nasopharyngeal swabs show that the tester is aiming the swab up, not back. And what’s “up” is the roof of the nose, also known as the base of the brain. The nasopharynx is back, not up. That said, it’s really quite difficult to get up to the brain by puncturing the roof of the nose, but as with most things, especially in 2020, never say never.”
“Meningitis Due To Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak after Nasal Swab Testing for Covid-19”
“Brain Fluid Leaks From Woman’s Nose After Covid Test”
“A Covid-19 Nasal Swab Test Punctured Womans’s Brain Lining and Leaked Brain Fluid From Her Nose”
“The patient, who is in her 40s, had an undiagnosed rare condition and the test she received may have been carried out improperly,”
“People who’ve had extensive sinus or skull base surgery should consider requesting oral testing if available, he added.”
“It underscores the necessity of adequate training of those performing the test and the need for vigilance after the test has been performed,” added ear, nose and throat specialist Dennis Kraus of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, who wasn’t involved in the paper.”
“Walsh, who practices at the University of Iowa Hospital, said the woman had gone for a nasal test ahead of an elective hernia surgery, and afterward noticed clear fluid coming out of one side of her nose.”
“She subsequently developed headache, vomiting, neck stiffness, and aversion to light, and was transferred to Walsh’s care.”
“She had been swabbed previously for another procedure, same side, no problems at all. She feels like maybe the second swab was not using the best technique, and that the entry was a little bit high,” he said.”
“Most testing protocols call for clinicians to follow the path of the floor of the nose, which lies above the roof of the mouth, rather than pointing the swab up — or if they point it up, to do so with great care.”
“Brain Scraper: Why Do Some COVID Tests Hurt So Much?”
Thank you for the clarification. An extremely odd occurrence linked to a rare medical condition.
Not exactly medical assault but something that should be investigated. Clearly you have never worked in the prison system as “forced exams ” are often required. Seldom do prisoners willingly submit to treatments.
The assault in many cases is a result of what happens to individuals from the PCR test. The realization that it’s fraudulent is doubly alarming. The comment that I read about the woman being held down was someone who went to a local hospital.
“The daughter of Ontario mother Kaylin Young was among those who suffered injuries while undergoing the procedure. Young posted a picture of her five-year-old daughter bleeding out of her nose and eyes. The bleeding occurred for 30 minutes, stopped for a short while and then started again.”
“According to the mother from Casselman, Eastern Ontario, her daughter was subjected to a PCR test as a requirement to attend in-person classes. She added that the Eastern Ontario Health Unit gave three requirements for five-year-old children. They can either get the PCR test for COVID, isolate for 10 days or prove that whatever illness they have is not COVID-related.”
“The health unit says this is normal and to monitor it. They said they may have hit a nerve,” Young pointed out in a now-deleted Facebook post.”
“Forty-year-old Angel Eisenmann of Tulsa, Oklahoma, meanwhile, suffered serious injuries from getting swabbed. The hospice worker and mother of three went to get tested on September 11, 2020.”
“Eisenmann reported seizures, small tremors and facial paralysis after being swabbed. While doctors initially misdiagnosed her as having a stroke, a broken blood-brain barrier following the swab was eventually found to be the cause of her health issues.”
“I’m a victim of PCR COVID testing as a healthcare worker that went too far on Sept. 11, 2020. [I] broke my blood-brain barrier [and] ethylene oxide poisoning hit my central nervous system that collapsed,” she tweeted on April 13.”
“But a July 2021 update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted the flawed nature of the test, citing its inability to distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and the influenza virus. (Related: CDC, WHO admit RT-PCR tests ineffective in detecting COVID-19 virus.)”
As an example of what I have seen in prisoner surgery. Prisoner complaints of belly pain. Upon examination a lump was discovered. X ray showed a metal object in the intestinal tract. Surgery removed a tiny 22 revolver. Seems prisoner swallowed it for escape plan. Galvanic action with stomach acid and the brass and steel caused pain.
That is part of the reason for “forced examination “.
Bubbles pop unexpectedly.
Ain’t smart to live in’em.
“If You Don’t Want A CIVIL WAR, Vote For Democrats In November” -- Psychopath Kathy Griffin Threatens Civil War On Republicans They want it, let us give it to them.