But Did He Have a Sling?

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 months ago

From the comments…
The media said he had explosives in his car nearby.

So, a second shooter possibly, 30 minute heads up spotting him, perched directly above the SWAT counter sniper team.

Also presence of mass media running the rally live, when they had ignored his past rallies. Suspicious onlookers in the crowd.
Removal and redeployment of SS units to Jill’s rally.

On and on. This was meant to succeed and be the catalyst for the civil war, and I believe God put a stop to it.

ell jay
ell jay
3 months ago

Why are so many people buying what the ‘media’ is saying? I’ve been reading message boards all over the place about this and the questions people have been asking and one question stood out above the others. Questioned what psychiatric meds was this guy on??? I bet that he was on SSRIs as most, if not all, of the mass shooters were on this poison.
Do not believe everything you are being told be anyone! Question everything and make your own educated conclusions or ideas.
I feel the is a lot more top this than meets the eyes.

3 months ago
Reply to  ell jay

The, SS, CIA, FBI has used an idiot kid to believe in what the fake news msm has been constantly talking about on a 24-hour news cycle, day in and day out. The idiot kid was brainwashed into believing trump was a monster and that he needed to be taken out by any means, and the feds just happen to come up with some young jackass most likely an approved asset by antifa thugs which is an operational component of the FBI and CIA. and they pumped him up with all sorts of garbage lies and set up the jerk to their dirty work. This is not the first incident the feds have done things like this; it’s become part and parcel with feds to commit crimes such as this and their dirty commie fingerprints are all over this. Obviously, this all speculation but you never know.

3 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

Exactly, the young boy had help!

3 months ago

I certainly hope that the SWAT team provided lunch and a soft drink to Mr. Crooks before he ascended the ladder to his designated perch.
If not, why not? They basically provided every other assistance to him by failing to notice his arrival, etc.
Q: Are these FedGov employees morons? Or traitors? Can any group of “professionals” be this INEPT?

3 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

I’ll take ‘They are traitors’ for $500, Alex. The whole point of FFs it to appear as to fail. A failure in LE, a failure of Govt Agents, a failure of Intelligence Agencies, all to cover up the fact that these same people and their superiors planned it.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

So--some of my assumptions are correct. Crooks purchased a ladder from Home Depot before he came to the rally. Which implies that he had scoped out the venue beforehand--but how did he know that there would be no one atop the building? And just who cleared a path for him to come lolly-gagging in, toting a ladder and a possibly a gun case. The weapon could have been broken down as Matt Bracken suggested in one of his posts--but still no one noticed him setting the ladder then ascending it. And then he was atop the building almost a good 30 minutes while police were wanking their puds and running about like Keystone Cops.

Yet another major possibility exists if it being a inside job (highly likely BTW)--did he know beforehand that there would be no one atop the metal building (which was being used by the Secret Service as their temporary HQ for the rally BTW). And how did he know beforehand? Who on the security details told him? A Secret Service Agent? A local member of the PD? An accomplice hooked into deep-state? Look at the makeup of the security details--It has been revealed that they were switched out for a second-string group… with Trumps main protective people diverted to protect sleepy-Joe’s leash puller (Jill Biden).

And look at the makeup of some of these ‘tards the Secret Service put in their place Saturday. Take a gander at that fat DEI-hire, butch, bag-O-guts dyke--who is wider than she is tall and who couldn’t get out of her own way. How many other DEI leftist kooks were placed there to look the other way--and who were possibly there to throw the game like the 1919 World Series?

Didn’t large elements of the FBI ACTIVELY (willingly, actively and gleefully) conspire the exploit a phony Russian dossier against Trump. It just wasn’t a few top officials FYI--because they needed foot soldiers and fellow travelers to pull the ruse off (which it seems were many). Ditto with the CIA and Clap-Trap-Clapper. You think he acted alone in these plots? Think again. I would venture to say there were many willing accomplices acting in unison.

So what would make the Secret Service any different? Just a few well-placed leftist, Trump hating agents in the right place--or doing nothing at all would throw the game with plausible deniability (see Dallas November 1963. And by the looks of things on Saturday, they had a few on the field. Just how could they not overlook THE MOST OBVIOUS threat to the venue--and NOT CONFIRM security coverage there?

Now the DEI, leftist look who runs the Secret Service offers up the excuse that the pitch on metal building’s roof was too great to put someone atop (but good enough for a 20 year-old to belly crawls with a rifle eh?). The kook is even blaming local police who she says were delegated to the building--yeah right? . Who is the freakin’ twat kidding anyways.